I was lucky enough to see him with my dad a few years back, and it’s still in my top 3 live shows ever. Not only can he still kill it on stage, but he has such a genuinely kind presence (and really knows how to wear a suit)
I was lucky enough to see him with my dad a few years back, and it’s still in my top 3 live shows ever. Not only can he still kill it on stage, but he has such a genuinely kind presence (and really knows how to wear a suit)
And, in fact, the song was sung both by the man as the aggressor AND by the woman as the aggressor in the movie Neptune’s Daughter (Esther Williams, Ricardo Montalban, silly fun).
“What’s in this drink?” was a way of saying “Wow, this is strong!” back in the day. It was a holdover from Prohibition when you literally did not know what was in your drink and hoped for the best.
Co-signed. Nobody insults my imaginary grandpa Tony.
Nah, it’s cute. She can leave anytime but keeps finding a reason to stay.
Yeah there is nothing creepier than a doll that is always watching you and “moves around at night”. Nope. I will not go to there. I would be more afraid of it than my hypothetical children and none of us would sleep or have a happy christmas season.
I hate that damn elf and I’m so glad it wasn’t a thing when my kids were little because it is creepy.
Tell us more about how Muslims want to enslave women, old white men.
Sikh and Islam are completely different religions which aren’t remotely related to each other. It’s like racists aren’t even trying to educate themselves anymore.
I Third. (if that exists)
I Second.
Bret Easton Ellis is such a piece of shit.
Can I raise a motion to never include Seth MacFarlane in Tweet Beat ever again?
They lied during their interview and said they were sisters. Also they did not have performance VISAs. Maybe this was all a misunderstanding but the fault seems to be with the group’s management.
It’s inconvenient, but with the amount of human trafficking going on in the world, where many victims are young women from Asia, I can’t get mad at the TSA/ICE about this. I would be more mad if some actual human trafficking victims were just waved through along with their victimizers.
Leona Campbell! This is the one!
This should be fun. I hope they show the Bob Newhart “Just stop it” skit. (though I watch it on Youtube often)
Seeing people who have callously committed horrific acts on other people start to cry when forced to take (some) responsibility for their conduct always makes me hate them even more.
Sounds like she’s done more learning and reflection. Good for her.
Good for her! Acknowledging that she's a human who will make mistakes and is constantly in the process of learning. I'm glad that her previous statements served as a teaching moment for her and a lot of other people, and also served as a reminder for the need to include trans women and women of color in feminist…