Jessie J is actually pretty great!! She wrote Party in the USA for one thing. She has a great voice (went to the same performing arts school as Adele) and she has an awesome fashion sense I think. She definitely doesn’t get enough credit!! This song sounds bad though.
It’s great to see Miley speaking up on such an important (and largely ignored) subject, as well as being so much more articulate and respectful about her own life and motivations. It feels like an about face — a few years back, during her twerking phase, I was so grossed out by the entitlement of this rich girl…
it’s still gross
All the married people I know have separate tooth brushes. I’ve been married 10 years and don’t share. That’s gross.
The shot Vulture referenced as “unsexy” was the shot I found the sexiest.
I used to love Bob Dylan’s tracks about doing “E” and raping and murdering your ex-wife in front of your kid. CLASSIC Dylan.
I’m not sure I believe Chet Haze about what his parents have and have not said to him.
He and Jennifer Lawrence are tied for “Closest that a human can get to being a puppy while still retaining extremely attractive human form.”
Is it the same cut off for saying “fuckton” because I use fuckton a metric fuckton
How much more wanted and loved they will feel when she tells them that they were chosen, that they are alive because she chose not to kill them.
I work as a comedian, and there’s plenty of material still out there to work with. It does have an effect though. It makes you less willing to try material that deals with sensitive issues. Ten years ago I might approach something at a few open mics, maybe get some negative feedback and either drop it from my act or…
was literally coming down here to make the exact same comment. You beat me to it.
It's just the worst cat ever. Why does it love straw so much? Straw isn't a food. Bad cat.
That cat is terrible. Why is it so moist?