
I love you Nicki.

Made me look up “Mothership Connection” on Spotify and jam out!

Parliament. Nice.

Just my gut talking here, but isn’t Jewel’s use of remiss incorrect? I always thought it meant sort of negligent and it doesn’t seem to fit that sentence in that case. Of course, I left school about a million years ago, so I’m probably wrong.

The story about the cancer-free anniversary “date” is one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever read. That’s some Ralph Wiggum/Lisa Simpson shit right there.

Ugh. People are so bad. I was just on a beautiful hiking trail and saw a lock through a hole in a dead tree. This is a selfish and destructive way to show your “love” and I hope people see the folly in it.

That kid is so cute it’s not fair. Her blonde hair blue eye combo is like perfection. Not only that, her suit is completely appropriate. That hand on hip pose is pure sassy-pants behavior. I bet she takes dance class or something, because that's a totally normal pose for young kids...cause it's easy. Puh-leeeaze...

For some reason all snark on Jez towards Rita Ora is only making me like her more.

Oh, I agree. These people have made life difficult for everyone, especially the majority of parents who have to deal with these people. I’m just waiting for my child to be old enough to ask why so-and-so can do that but he cannot. This is where the “you had a child; now you accept the consequences” argument should

I don’t really understand all the excessive hate for Buzzfeed on here lately. It’s not like they offered $10k to buy untouched Vogue photos of Lena Dunham or as if they took cheap shots at Amy Pascal’s private online purchases. Don’t worry, Jez, no one is muscling in on you.

I believe she’s going for alliteration?

Perez: Yet no one else is good with you.

i saw this on twitter and i dont think i’ll ever be the same

I used to work for this company, and I was put on “fat probation” twice. Once was January 2nd, they didn’t give me a chance to try on a larger kilt and told me they were “worried for my health” and that they “just wanted me to “be healthy”. I went from a size 2 to a size 5, still MUCH smaller than the average U.S.

I’m not a babby haver myself.. just spitballing circumstances under which I might medicate my entirely hypothetical child.

Nooooooope. He remains, as wise man Charles Pierce says, a colossal dick.

And my snotty little guy was absolutely fine when we were flying. I gave him something to drink during takeoff and landing, so I wouldn’t think a doctor would recommend that.

triple back flip—-with a jack-knife twist

I can see an argument that, with physician approval, one might give a child an decongestant to help clear his or her little ears and relieve pressure, but, you know, A) that ain’t benadryl and B) not my child. <3

Okay you’re right she’s a pain in the ass literally no matter what I do and I should probably just keep her in jail until she’s 18. (I check with folks around me and make sure she’s not invading their space because I AM NOT A JERK, but probably I’m a liar and actually the biggest jerk of all time.)