
Oh... oh no.

“I know I’m not the most handsome guy, but I bet I’d look a lot better with your pussy juice all over my face.”

I like to send awkward sexts because I’m horrible at dirty talk.

GAWD I remember grinding TB rep FOREVER. Ugh.

Who the hell rides to MC from Lakeshore? Thorium Point is where all the cool kids hang out, man.

Bacon waffles FTMFW! Plus real Vermont maple syrup - all else is inferior. (Yes, that means you, Quebec & New York & Wisconsin & New Hampshire & all other maple producers.)

Bacon waffles FTMFW! Plus real Vermont maple syrup - all else is inferior. (Yes, that means you, Quebec & New York &

Yes please.

“Yes, David, you are happy to see me and eager to prove you’re still hot. That’s nice. Keep your tongue in your mouth.”

Skinner was jacked under those starched shirts!

I am OVER Belgian waffles. It’s harder to spread butter; they never are as crispy and perfect. I have a thrift store old school square waffle maker that makes perfect waffles every time.

I am OVER Belgian waffles. It’s harder to spread butter; they never are as crispy and perfect. I have a thrift store




I have always thought that Scully “settled” with Mulder, when I felt she could have had a loving and stable relationship with that shining dome of hotness, AD Walter Skinner.

she is beauty, grace, intelligence, everything good, personified.

And the follow-up question is: why would anybody even ask such a stupid question? (BECAUSE A MILLION TIMES YES)

He looks good for 54, never a fan of him though. I seem to remember him being full on himself on interviews.

No splits and nut punch? I feel cheated...

I can’t tell you how devastated the Patriots organization must be now that you refuse to recognize their Super Bowl wins.

blah blah blah. He should have gotten more for his role in cheating but they got him on the safer charge. I’m pissed Goodell refuses to strip their Super Bowl wins which I refuse to recognize.