Preach. Beyonce don’t love nothing but money.
Preach. Beyonce don’t love nothing but money.
I find sheer dresses unbelievably tacky. I don’t care if you have a hot body and/or are wearing a million diamonds on top of it, it just doesn’t look good to me.
Between her collaborations with Terry Richardson, her support for Floyd Mayweather, and the misogynistic lyrics that appear in her music, my feeling is that Beyonce can officially eat shit.
kinda tired of this sheer dress with shiny bits covering the nips look. Feels thirsty to me.
I feel like Riri all ready did this last year.
this sentence should be hyperbolic, but it isn’t. it’s just the straight up fucking truth.
thank god disisto is still alive...
The asshole cheated and then broke up with me before I could dump him. And I was very angry so I called him a few weeks later and said I was pregnant. I let him stew for a week and then told him I needed $500 for an abortion. He paid and I took my best friend on a road trip and had the best damn time EVER
I was kind of seeing this guy for a while. I liked him a lot. We were in our twenties. He was an artsy weirdo musican type, and had been living with an older hippie chick who had two kids. They had recently broken up, and he didn’t have a specific place to live. He was moving out of their place but didn’t know where.…
I was going through a very ugly divorce. My husband cheated multiple times and eventually moved out. While this was going on, I had to change the locks on the doors to my house due to a burglary, and didn’t tell him. One day, he stopped by to get something from the house and couldn’t get in. He flew into a rage and…
after getting dumped in high school, i came home in tears and announced that i was going to slash his tires. i dramatically asked my mom where the box cutter was and she gave me a big hug and said “no, sweetie. what you want is a hammer and a screw driver.”
Another fine Hollywood tradition.... like, say, when they put bronzer all over Elsa Cardenas in “Giant” (1956), because even though she was Mexican, her skin wasn’t dark enough to look properly Cartoon Mexican for the movies. “She needs to look darker, otherwise the audience won’t know she’s Other enough!” Hollywood…
One of my favorite Mall Makeover write-ups so far! I think you look beautiful both before and after, but I definitely miss the freckles in the after!
Adam Sandler. The man who was never funny, and paid stupidly well for it.
Welcome back to Mall Makeovers where we send readers to, you guessed it, the mall for, you guessed it, a makeover.…
“She was going to be killed by this guy some day, somehow. She didn’t have to die that night.”
“According to footage recorded on the officer’s body cam”
I don’t even like Emma Stone all that much, but why oh why is she throwing her lot in with Woody Allen.