
This must be accurate, because as an accountant, if I had been able to have my dream wedding, I would have rocked that fucking pantsuit at City Hall.

I still don’t wear my wedding ring either. It never seems to fit, as my sausage fingers swell and unswell all the time.

I read “Amber Riley” as “Amber Rose” and now all I can think of is Amber Rose twerking to Patti Labelle singing Lady Maramalade.

5 year olds and 18 year old girls should be able to show their shoulders. It’s friggin hot in Texas and the 5 and 18 year old boys will just have to deal with it.

No tip! Didn’t you read? Only fingers.

If the closet’s always unlocked, why not shit in the closet?

From my Facebook page regarding this and the “what about black on black” crime shit I keep reading posted by other black folks:

Yet again blacks are thugs, but white college students rioting because their favorite team didn’t win a game is just “kids being kids”.

“Violence is not the answer..” Cool, too bad about the BILLIONS OF DOLLARS the govt. spends on wars & planting ‘seeds of freedom’.

This expression is my everything.

everybody looked like a mess, except Charo, she looks spectacular self

Totally. What a disgusting garbage monster she is for daring to have only clean, neat, presentable feet.

Well then. How does Charo still have such great legs? I’m less than half her age and my legs have never looked that good.

Bruce said in the interview that he prefers male pronouns until he says otherwise. It’s even mentioned in the beginning of this article.

The gossip and tabloid treatment of Bruce’s transition has pissed me off from the first. I’ve refused to click any links or participate in speculation. Here’s why:

Agreed, 100%. Not only does everyone get to decide who they are without anyone telling them they’re wrong, they also get to decide the pace of their process without anyone chivvying them along. Is that really so hard?

Agreed. Long time lurker and only now starting to comment but I just wanted to say, it’s good to see you writing for ROYGBIV again, Kat! I’ve missed your writing.

No. Nope. Uh uh. Hell no.

I haven’t watched it yet but apparently Kanye is the reason Kim became so open and loving towards Bruce. My jaw honestly hit the floor and made me feel slightly guilty for being such a Kanye hater.

I don’t want to make this about me but .. two days ago, I told someone off for using the word tran*y and was instead subjected to more transphobic commentary, and this was someone who I was close to, and I was coming out to them. I identify as genderqueer and this interview & along with what I had to go through two

I think my 6 year old has a crush on Jesse J. Not sure if I’m doing something wrong or something right. Also, I’m terrible because I originally read “Fleshlight”.