How about:
How about:
Let’s look at my qualifications. So my mother is Korean, and my dad is White, Black and Indian. I expect Bethany Frankel to be at my door shortly.
I understand that some girls want to hide skin problems or they use makeup as an accessory, but I usually feel that women should wear less.
And for that I call bullshit on any feminist that tries to claim such. Women should be free to cover up as much as they feel comfortable.
I really don’t understand why there is such stigma surrounding hijabs. Historically, upper class Christian women purposefully veiled themselves to disassociate from lower class women. It was a sign of social standing. Plus even the Virgin Mary and nuns veiled themselves. Although veiling is slightly different than…
Now we know that one man knows what it’s like. If only they could all fall in once or twice.
Jesus that's awful. I didn't see that in the article. Ugh.
Yes. There are photos of her clothed in the backseat of the vehicle and then photos of her unclothed on the side of the road on a tarp.
@Damon Wayans
It’s racism, sexism, and they did something bad that they don’t want to get arrested for, probably with taxpayer’s money. That is my guess. It’s all those special little joys, rolled up into one.
I would have loved to have seen a salad with 1 quartered garbanzo bean, and 6 whole beets in it.
There is nothing to say except holy moly that is one cute baby. For reals.
Oh, come on. So if some people, somewhere, are forced to do something, then I’m a part of their oppression if I choose to do that same thing of my own free will? I personally know women who want to wear hijab but whose families won’t let them — it’s not about what you wear, it’s about having choice. Not to belabor the…
I don’t think the headscarves themselves are harmful; the ideals behind it are, absolutely. I wonder if “reclaiming the headscarf” is a thing, like reclaiming the n word. Maybe some Muslim women don’t wear headscarves because they feel like every woman should in the name of modesty. Maybe they’ve reclaimed the…
The Pledge of Allegiance was written in August 1892 by the minister Francis Bellamy. Bellamy had hoped that the pledge would be used by citizens in any country.
The best part of the First Amendment is that YOU, idiot internet commenter, get absolutely ZERO say in how and why a person practices their religion. YOU are completely IRRELEVANT to anyone else’s religious practice. YOU can just go fuck right off. Bye Felicia.
Yeah, I’m sure each and every Muslim woman who wears hijab is making that decision without any pressure from family, culture, or religious leaders. Truly free!
Waiting at the airport for a flight. There’s a line of about 10 people at the counter that were delayed from an earlier flight. Some dude pushes past the line and screams at the desk agent that, “(He) has to be on this flight! And it has to be first class!” Agent tells him that she can help him but he need to wait in…