
Yeah not feeling this one either. I did like the song Who with David Byrne.

Do I need to listen to her recorded material instead, because so far I have only watched some live performances and as a singer she just doesn't do it for me. Even in this video there were quite a few sour notes.

Can we get a number to call, or an address? It’s funny what a thousand phone calls can do.

Words cannot express how much I hate that band name. It is, quite possibly, the ugliest collection of syllables the English language has ever seen.

That Jessie J video was delightful!

I don’t really know what’s going on with this because the first I’ve heard about it is this article, but if she doesn’t want to come out as being in a relationship or whatever shouldn’t we respect that?

I would LOVE if Bruce Jenner trolled everyone and talked about everything but his personal life.

The taste never leaves your mouth.

Absinthe is gross, unless you’re one of those weirdos who likes licorice-flavored shit.


Benefit They're Real! Mascara. I think it's even better than Diorshow. I also have a Trish McEvoy mascara that costs more and doesn't even come close to Benefit.…

Benefit They're Real! Mascara. I think it's even better than Diorshow. I also have a Trish McEvoy mascara that costs

I know people have mixed feelings about it, but I am IN LOVE with Benefit's They're Real.

I know people have mixed feelings about it, but I am IN LOVE with Benefit's They're Real.

“Would a good takeaway from this be, until such time as we’ve sorted this out, don’t take pictures of your dick?” Oliver asked.

OK. If we aren’t allowed to ignore the Kardashians can we please ignore the Duggars? Hasn’t our culture been battered enough?

People being nice on internet comment threads! Ah-mazing!

Calling her “well-spoken” would be super racist, of course, but it would be a step up from praising her for sounding like Martha Stewart and not muttering curses under her breath.

I'm actually POSITIVE that I've never used that word in my life. Possibly one could reread my original comment?

What the fuck kind of body shaming, cancer shaming bullshit is this fucking comment.

Hmmm. Not to happy to say I saw a shittonne of those comments coming from Jez commenters as well. I don't fucking like the chick but there's enough awful things about her personality to rag on , you don't need to go straight for the "she looks like an emaciated alien" jab.