I love this new feature! I can't wait to read future installments!
This is the first installment in ongoing series about the makeup trends throughout the ages. Today we'll be talking…
This really is such an unfunny show, so it's nice to see some of the bits that work, and actually make you laugh. Johnson has always had such natural presence and charisma.
Shiloh prefers to be addressed as John. The media continues to disrespect this child's wishes. Come on Jezebel!
I've seen so many photos that treat women like decorations or props and call me crazy but I feel like Meek Mill is the prop in this photo. I don't have any commentary as to whether that's pleasantly transgressive or what it is but there's no question to me that she's the star of the photo and he seems like just "some…
Welcome to Kinja, Mr. McMahon.
And I didn't hear her tell it.
It's not really Damienne's story to tell.
I just responded to him on the twitter and called him out. not sure if productive but fuck that guy. My fear is any response will excite him. People like that thrive off that stuff. They're children. Any attention - bad or good - is attention, period.
God I just want to hate-tweet this guy SO BAD but I'm scared once I do it for the first time I'll become a full-fledged twitter troll vigilante hater. It'll be a slippery slope.
Sorry about your childhood. But what does that have to do with losing your arm? Don't use your sister's rape to pad your backstory. That's creepy.
Yeah, just gonna chill here until Italy decides to prosecute her again, either for this or something else.
would've rhymed perfectly with "windowpane," which I'm sure Jimi was familiar with.
We could always assume all black people are violent, too. Oh wait, you have that one covered already.
maybe they were *gasp* friends?? although the 'deep' thing is so eyeroll worthy
Yes. Because that's all she is.
Vin runs his own FB page - no assistants, no bull. It's all him.
I'm terrified of being mistaken for "that guy" so the ironclad rule is: