random troll is random.
random troll is random.
I love this comment (throws glass on floor); another!!!!
This comment is so perfect it makes me want to cry.
"Forgive me and truly understand that I am in no way shape or form a sexist and I am a huge fan of Mo'ne. She was quite an inspiration."
"...if I judged him based on the words that he misuses in our English language he wouldn't be here today."
Hey, at least she's not "crass" like Jlaw.
"I was at Coachella this year and I kept calling them 'denim underwear' cause all the girls wear the denim underwear and it's, like, a little obscene! I don't want to say that, but you know, sometimes I think that they're just too short. And now I'm turning into that person that I'm like, your shorts are too…
Also, can we talk about the hypocrisy in this article? Bartlett wants owners to "improve the livelihood of those in the service industry." Well, by not tipping, Bartlett is supporting the owner's businesses (by eating the food) while simultaneously screwing over the workers (by not leaving a tip). Also. To hold China…
You truly are the vox populi. The people in the comments called upon you and you answered. Bravo!!!
That is fucking awesome. I'd love our flag to change to that. Can I steal it?
The Canadian anthem > the US anthem.
I thought so. Seems to be just you and me and chellediva, though.
it felt cool like shade.
roughness in her voice—would transform the song into a blues number that would feel right at home at your local county fair.
When Julie Andrews dies I'm going to lock myself in a sealed room and drown myself in my own tears. She is a treasure and I fucking love her.