
Amber Rose fucking gets me.

I based an entire successful career in a very niche role in investment management on faking it till oopsie, I was considered an expert. I was fresh out of law school and had no clue what I was doing in the first two years in the role. I was given little guidance beyond "well, you're smart, just trust your judgment."

"I don't see Patty OR Selma! What gives Michelle?!"

Why do I get the feeling that someone is going to misuse "shade" in regards to this photo. Maybe Kara needs to do a preemptive session of Shade Court.

GWB: Selma's the gal that wouldn't get off the bus, right?

whole aside: I truly love that Rep. John Lewis is still around to tell his story on this momentous occasion. He's a true American hero.

That's a common misconception, actually. So, with pin curls, the more you brush, the better they look. For the most part, you pincurl in order to give you the ability to sculpt the hair in ways you couldn't if you didn't have the base curl. When you take out the pincurls, they're tight little ringlets, usually a

I just want to be sure I'm following this.

She obv got them done at the same place that did her hair.*

"Vaginas don't need lube."

They need to make a game explaining homophobia. I'm the boring majority - white, male, straight, but though I can't ever feel the difficulty of coming out, I can certainly see how society can make it a daunting experience. I suppose the only way I stand out is that I'm quite introverted by nature and enjoy my own

I'm convinced she is trolling us, just like Ann Coulter.


For someone as smart and educated as 2 Chainz, this video is even more ironic. 2 Chainz won't allow his children to have caffeine: not even a soda. (P.S., I don't either.) Wait until his children spot this video on the Internet. Explain that, Daddy!"

If he had fun doing it (and reveling in the 15 seconds of fame afterwards) then it's money well spent.

They didn't use your subscription time, so what does it matter? They enjoy doing something different.

Can we include 'thirsty' here? There are one or two Jez writers who insist that this term is a thing already. Stop trying to make 'thirsty'happen!

In my mind, Motoko "The Major" Kusanagi is without a Doubt the coolest woman in Manga & Anime History. She's a genuinely awesome character who doesn't so much eschew traditional gender rolls as she does ignore them. She just happens to be a female, and a BAMF to boot. She does whatever she wants regardless, gender

Wow. That's got to be the most condescending mansplaining I have ever read. 5 paragraphs to tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about?

I was going to actually reply by reminding you that the girl he thinks likes him is possibly a lesbian, and why it would be problematic to assume she's not because that's the