For some reason I thought those creams were to lighten dark spots due to acne scarring or sun spots. Kind of to even skin tone out to it's original color.
For some reason I thought those creams were to lighten dark spots due to acne scarring or sun spots. Kind of to even skin tone out to it's original color.
Here's a much younger Mayall in the vastly underrated Shock Treatment.
Exactly. Plus, puppies are so exhausting (in the best possible way), they actually make you tired enough to get some sleep.
Johnny Rotten is playing King Herod. JOHNNY ROTTEN IS PLAYING KING HEROD.
Whew, good think you are perfect!
I was rolling my eyes HARD to this, until the punchline, which was brilliant.
People here are gonna hate on it, but I thought this was funny.
Be sure to share your knowledge and skills with your teammates. It's better to be invaluable as opposed to irreplaceable. Sure, being the only person who can do task X properly means you'll likely be safer from layoffs, but it also means your boss might think twice before promoting you or moving you to a different…
I not do under stand Rimes Le Cibrains "tweat" Ann.
Props to TSA for taking her seriously and not being like 'haha lady whatever' (not that we should expect anything less, but….)
Now I've become one of those middle-aged women who looks out for young women on public transportation. I can think of two times when I was traveling alone as a teenager when a nice older lady saved me from a creep.
I do not understand how this psychopath could punch her 7 times (including her falling and getting back up again) with NO ONE else in the club intervening.
Look, people should be able to do what they want. If someone wants to cosplay as a certain character, and their body (or skin color or gender or whatever!) isn't an exact match, who cares. They shouldn't be made to feel bad about that.
This is his punishment for handing over Han and Leia, HE KNOWS WHAT HE DID
Sensationalized headlines used to make not-so-life-or-death stories sound like its LITERALLY LIFE OR DEATH is lame click baity garbage used to drive eyes to stories that don't deserve it.
Legit question: if she thought the Rumba was too sexual, why did she chose it for her dance? This week was apparently choose-your-dance-themed, so she could have done a PG waltz or swing or anything else that didn't imply sexy wiggling. Instead, she tried to pass off a series of choreographed, aggressive hugs as…
Because SHE isn't treating it as simply her business. I guarantee you she sees DWTS as an opportunity to minister to those of us who've got ZERO interest in her way of life—hence the very loud dithering. And that's what gets my goat.
If he really wants to make sure his models are "aware of the nature of the work," why not sit down with them beforehand and talk about what they will and won't do, as is standard in the American porn industry?
Ah, so you're sad because it's harder to show your e-Peen to people, got it.