
Totally! Gloves give a FALSE sense of security. Cross contamination occurs far more frequently with glove wearers.
PLUS, according to current law, you must first wash your hands (anyway!) before you put on gloves and every single time you change gloves. Imagine that for a minute.
You know what's really dirty?

This gloves thing is such BS. People put on the gloves, touch something filthy, continue using the gloves. It is actually grosser than bare hands.

Nick Cannon doesn't know who Eddie Murphy is.

I understand that choosing to wear a hijab is mostly an individual choice for women. None of the Middle-Eastern international students in my college dorm house wore a hijab — they were mostly Iranian and Iraqi, if I remember correctly.

Creationists aren't even on the radar screen for them, they wouldn't even consider us plausible at all.

My advice for number one: Just respond with "I guess I'm just not as insecure as you are."

Joan Rivers proves once again that she hasn't been funny in fucking ages. Sure Taylor Swift is annoying, but more annoying than a bitter, nasty 80 year old woman who hasn't had a date in two decades? I don't think so.

Uggghh Joan Rivers.

It's just another way to say 'sorry, not sorry'. So gross.

"while that was not the intent, the perception became reality" really fucking irks me

Ugh, I saw only the first sentence of your comment in my notifications and thought "yay! Faith in humanity restored!"... ....then read the rest.

What the hell does "messy tidiness" mean?

Maybe if you had published this in 72 point people would have read your piece so you wouldn't have to copy and paste nearly the entire thing into the comments.

But I addressed that:

Because it never happens to you doesn't mean that it doesn't happen to other people, and/or that those other people or in any way responsible if it does happen. I know you're probably just trying to make a joke, but sexual harassment and assault tends to knock the sense of humor right out of most people.

I'm actually in neither camp. The thing is, lots of military spouses are what we could call "old school" marriages: the women stay home and the men bring home the bacon. Punishing the sex offender by taking away benefits also comes down on the spouse then, who hasn't done anything wrong and in many cases is a victim

I think his spouse is saying this because she will lose what retirement pay he has if he were to be severly punished and dishonorably discharged. Military spouses are divided on the issue (according to spousebuzz) of whether a service member should ever lose all retirement benefits because it might hurt the spouse.

I would go just so I could fashion a curtain rod dress.

Way to pick the wrong one, Bass. James Buchanan is the most likely suspect for first gay US President.

As a brazilian I can only say that you don't know what you are talking about. The violence has different reasons and that's all. Women are being beaten to death, raped just for being in the streets, in the public transportations, in bars... We have a huge misogynistic movement that are day by day gaining more and more