
Two bites. I grew up having the two bite rule - you must eat two bites of every dish prepared. if you don’t like it, you don’t have to eat more. It’s polite, it exposes you to new and potentially delicious foods, and it makes un-delicious foods more familiar. Sometimes the un-delicious foods become delicious with some

Dude, a woman is writing about a woman doctor’s experience with women. Sometimes it’s OK for women to talk about themselves and *not include you*.

No. Dump anyone who feels the need to criticize the genitalia you are sharing with them. Any genitalia, any gender. If you are dating women who think you need to prepare your male groin for them, you need to date saner women. Except for condoms. Always shrink wrap it before y0u share it, for your safety and theirs.

My grandfather was anaphylactic shock allergic to anything having to do with a bird. Man loved him some dressing. When I first had stuffing I nearly gagged - who the heck wants that nasty, soggy, clumpy stuff? And it makes your turkey take forever to cook and then be overdone most of the time? Blech.

Xtina did not kill the first part of her medley. At all. I refuse to believe that P!nk wasn’t cringing because *everyone in the house* was cringing at the same parts. Once her voice settled down and she started hitting the notes that she should have been (and no, not vocalizing, just singing notes that weren’t on

Play shitty games, ladies, win shitty prizes.

Mashed potatoes can be made ahead perfectly. Make them *slightly* more runny than normal, then put them in a casserole and add plastic wrap, making sure it touches the potatoes so no air gets in. Day of, remove the plastic wrap, dot with more butter, microwave covered. Stir. I dare you to tell the difference.

Yea, I don’t even eat anything but straight buffy wings. Why put wierd stuff on if the original is perfection? Good buffy wings don’t need dip, either. Just napkins.. so many napkins.

Hot wings are absolutely keto friendly - it’s a protein pig out of deliciousness. I’ve been keto-ing since 8/1 and am down 20 lbs. I just had my bloodwork done and there’s literally no difference in my overall numbers from 6 months ago. That being said:

  • Do you have assigned seating or do you let the human chips fall where they may? Sit. In a seat.

Alluding, not eluding?

That was just cringeworthy, wasn’t it?

People fail to realize that mayyyyybe Ciara is with Russell and not Future because he simply a better man and husband. Mind. Blown.

Lion was just a stunning film, wasn’t it? Dev Patel is amazing. I cried like a baby during the end credit scenes with the real people the story is based on.


Just sayin? There were some FIRE Nicki Minaj costumes this year, worn by people of many races, that Nicki herself loved enough to Instagram. Wear the outfit, don’t try the makeup, rock that shit out.

OH YEA! And it’s not just climate, but altitude as well. Flatlanders coming to Colorado (which is admittedly semi-arid) make their altitude adjustment 5x worse by not hydrating correctly. It’s part of my ‘welcome for your visit’ spiel - drink more water than you are used to, wear sunscreen like you were at the beach

I had a dear friend who was the most physically gifted person I’d ever seen. He could and did regularly walk up the Jacob’s Ladder, no hands, backward, ring the bell with his foot, and walk back down.

I watched Gerald Butler on Graham Norton, supposedly promoting the movie. He tried so, so hard to talk about anything and everything else. You know it’s bad when the star is visibly embarrassed by it.

Jeff has gone from quirky into full blown creepy. The cringing from the other guests was just uncomfortable to watch.