
Lynch has always preferred, in my opinion, to give us ‘here are some interesting things and people and plot to think about’ rather than ‘here’s a story, kiddoes, with a nice tidy bow’. He absolutely did this with Seasons 1 and 3, and why should the finale be different? You can think about the unanswered questions


voted for Trump

Non disparagement clauses in divorce decrees are a thing. A good, good thing.

It made her happy, though, sooooooooo...

And yet she’s a woman, yes, built like plenty of other women on the planet, who is repeatedly and relentlessly told she’s fat and dumpy and ugly. Saying ‘fuck you’ to that is bravery. She’s not my favorite comedian, but she doesn’t deserve body shaming any more than anyone else does.

If I never have to wear a strapless bra to wear a goddamned cold shoulder or strapless top again... have we all forgotten how to set in a damned sleeve?

If Tina, Queen of Satire, Fey had chosen to advocate for actual positive actions from the same white people she told to eat cake, she could have been every bit as funny. If she had chosen to. She didn’t.

YEEEESSSSS!!! I have had to make this argument on The Reddit repeatedly. Was Tina funny? Yep. Did she entirely bail the fuck out with the stupid cake? Hell yes!! Could she have advocated for meaningful action and made it just as funny? She’s Tina Fey, she absolutely could have if she had chosen to.

Take approximately 9000 pictures of the city their wedding is in. Get artsy. When you get home, go online to one of those make your own book sites (heck, Walgreens does it) and make them a lovely memento. Add captions and maybe a heartfelt note on how much you love them. Bam, done.

I was on a carnival ride with my mom way back about 1972. One of the big metal panels with decorative paintings came off. I was unhurt, Mom had two stitches, the teenaged girl behind us had half her face cut off. Fuck carnival rides, man.

Richard Kadrey’s twitter (@Richard_Kadrey) is having a bourbon recommendation discussion right now. He’s a damned fine writer and good guy to boot.

Forbes clearly can’t differentiate between ‘she’s gay but I never have to deal with it so I can stay in denial’ and ‘hey her female partner is eating my cranberry sauce.’

I do not want a tiny house. I want a tiny office like breathing, though. A nice, tiny office in my huge yard to wander out, barefoot and coffee in hand, in the mornings to get my work done.

White towels aren’t a design choice - they’re a practical one. Give me linens and towels I can nuke in hot water and bleach occasionally! Besides, they look pretty against my Cobalt blue walls.

‘McGarret’ is more lead-y than anyone else, but Park and Kim’s roles are at least a important to the cast as Caan. Each have had multiple story lines and meta-plot.

If she’s sidelined herself, I’m betting it’s to stay out of the drama. Knitters sit and knit and amuse ourselves at the crazy around us. Well.. a lot of us do.

Siggi’s is skyr! Dammit Bobby. Way, WAY better.

YEP! TBH, my little old lady (13.5 yr standard poodle) is so non-leash-reactive and polite (and old), I forget that waiting patiently isn’t a default. Thanks for the improvement.

Stop several yards away. Ask the other owner if their dog would be safe to greet yours and would like to (if yours likes to greet other dogs while on leash, of course). WAIT for an answer, and then believe the answer and act accordingly. Even if the answer is yes, be ready to remove your dog instantly if things go