
When I was 14, The Rose came out, and I was enchanted. I saw Bette and said to myself ‘I want to be HER when I grow up!’ Not the character Rose, obvs, but the badass woman playing her. I still want to be Bette when I grow up.

First - bless you, for you are a Good Man. Second, can we all agree that there’s ‘hey, let me give my balls a little room’ spreading and there’s ‘I shall pretend I have balls the size of Brooklyn’ spreading? Nobody who is anatomically typical needs their thighs at a 120 degree angle to keep off swamp crotch.

The best possible sunscreen is the one you will actually WEAR, every single day. It doesn’t matter a damned bit how good your sunscreen is if you don’t wear it. Find one with at least SPF 15 or higher that you can and will wear, in the recommended amounts, and put it on every day. Don’t get all verklempt about it,

GOD I’m tired to death of this. These are two grown-ass, professional women - why are they acting like middle school Mean Girls? I’m Team Nobody at this point. Yawn.

Lack of Lynch showed in Season 2. I still bought Showtime specifically to watch TP3.

OH MY GOD THIS IS EVERYTHING! I remember this!! My grandmother was an avid tennis player (in the 20s) and watcher, and I remember watching this whole thing unfold with her. She just crowed when Riggs had his balls handed to him! The casting looks eerily perfect.

Oh lord it’s bad this year. Apparently, this year my allergies have decided to sit firmly in my inner ear, and I’ve had a solid 10 days of vertigo bad enough to stop driving.

YAY for getting that girl some good equipment! I loved her ideas and presence, just not her camera and mic. Thanks for listening to us and hooking her up!

Asian markets. If they have m meat, they have pork belly, guaranteed.

Because we saw a headline saying she ripped off a song title from David and Iggy and we have FEELS, ok?

I’ll just leave this here for us to enjoy.

I worked with Travis, and he was a LOVELY human being. The only thing bigger than his 6'5" or more frame was his laugh. I’m going to miss that laugh.

I actually get it. I was a kid when Fat Albert was on, and I remember the Jello Pudding Pop commercials. It’s hard as HELL for me to sort out the Cosby who was like.. the first cool black guy I ever saw on TV (other than George Jefferson and the Easy Reader) from Cosby the scum sucking racist. It’s COMPLICATED. I

But Kara, we all know that the quality of shade is not strained. It droppeth as a gentle rain from heaven.

Get one Crave, one Crunch, split both with the dude beside you. Bam, done.

Then the authorities should let him compete with the boys. As it is, he’s basically shoving their stupidity in their faces, and more power to him.

To the African American party guests, she said, “I would never walk up to you and say those words to you and I’m so sorry that that happened to you.”

You seem to be conflating consuming alcohol with being an alcoholic. For the majority of humanity, this is not true. Triggered much?

Beyonce. I can totally see Beyonce wearing the fuck out of this.