Sigh. Correlation is not causation, motherfuckers.
Sigh. Correlation is not causation, motherfuckers.
Peychaud’s is my One True Bitters. In fact, brb, gonna make me a nice rye Manhattan, up.
She still has all the sexual fire of a muppet. Or maybe that’s disrespectful to muppets.
For 99.5% of us, the days of working for one company your whole career are far gone. Your career and the management of it are your own small business. You have to learn to make business decisions based on the good of that business. Driving yourself to burnout or depression is a poor way to manage your business in…
Above all right now, a voice of calm and love is something we need. Thank you, Mr. Franklin.
Liberal white feminist woman here. How can I say I believe in equality if I don’t listen to the voices of all of my sisters? I’ve been trying to read and think and act, and The Root is a daily lesson for me. I can’t co-opt the cause of POCs and ‘save’ you, but I can sure as hell listen when you tell me what you…
Oh Kara, how can you possibly make me love you more? Showing love to my girl Jessie J, that’s how! I puffy heart adore you now.
All hail.
All hail.
I applaud the death of xojane, but damn if I don’t miss xovain every day. The ladies and gentleman slayed the makeup game and didn’t all look like cookie cutters.
Girl, no. Make your bosses buy you a good camera and some decent lighting. Take a few closeups. Then do LOTS more of what you are doing, because you are adorable and better than the poor production value makes you look!
I typing from my hotel in Reykjavik. It’s worth it. I’d give details, but I’m off to go soak in a hot springs before hunting for the Northern Lights.
Here’s my ‘actor’s age’ story:
Poor Mariah, still thinking it’s the 90s and she’s relevant.
Right? I mean, yay for him finding his own thing, but honey.. a muumuu, no matter how designer it is, is Not Fashionable. It is not. I can’t be convinced he is qualified to be the arbiter of Fashion.
How much protein do you actually eat? Maybe it’s not enough. For my age, gender, and fitness (un)level, I should be eating about 90g of prot a day. I find if I drop below 120, I am hangry craving meat. If I do get in all 120, I not only hit all the list points above, but my carby snacky cravings go POOF…
I’m not going to disagree for the most part, but.. if Rita Moreno says she’s willing to work on your TV show, you mother fucking hire Rita Moreno. The woman is a goddess.
And that’s why they make seats with extra leg room, and they are WELL worth the $30 or so extra dollars for them.
You say outdated views, others say basic hygiene followers. Do not shit where you eat, man..
I would pay actual cash money if the wierd boots on the top right model were over the knee boot socks. (Also third model from left, second picture) I would layer them over my basic bitch leggings and wear them like.. surely not more than 4 days a week. Otherwise, I can’t think of a thing that’s wearable.
Melania, dat you?