
Watergate is actually my first political memory, and I know I watched this speech with my father - it’s one of the only times I saw my normally jovially reserved father really, really laugh. We sat through this (and many other Nixon speeches) and the Watergate hearings with him patiently explaining the violation of

OSC is in theory a Democrat, but he supported McCain and Gingrich. He also is wildly against same-sex marriage and is homophobic, conflating pedophilia with homosexuality.

Something I learned in restaurant days, which is great if you have a pot that’s hard to get your hand in: roughly crushed ice and some dish soap, swirled and shaken around in the pot, does a marvelous job of scrubbing.

Half of our long time friends have slept with my husband or me, before he and I got together. Who cares? If we wanted to be with one of them, we would be. We want to be with each other, so we are. That’s all that matters.

If you have sibling children, you can exploit their natural competitive instincts like my cousin did. Her sons were allowed to get alllllllll the candy they wanted or could for Halloween, and were allowed to eat what they wanted, when they wanted except for an hour before a meal. The catch was - they didn’t get any

Odds that Idris Elba is hitting that: 100000000000000000000:1

HAH, I was hoping it’d be ‘my’ Gold Camp Road. Colorado Springs fist bump, BBOM. Sketchy shit goes on up there man.

That would require him to be both self aware and genuinely remorseful, though.

Use a gendered user name, get gendered. Shoo, troll.

Now playing

When trapped by a hugger, I turn it into a handshake/hug combo. Grab that right hand for a shake, then put your left on their shoulder/arm like you are Tiffany Trump with her daddy after the second debate.

I can’t even breathe I’m so excited!!!!! One of my favorite TV memories of childhood was watching the Carol Burnett Show with my Mom and Dad - we all adored her. She could reduce my stoic, career Army Dad to helpless giggles every. week. Is it on yet? Is it on yet?Is it on yet?Is it on yet?Is it on yet?Is it on

At 51, I still have a scar on my lip from the merry-go-round thing pictured. I REGRET NOTHING, and would gleefully go use one right now if they, you know, existed in the wild anymore.

Then you are a fucking idiot, and when Trump wins because of people like you, I hope you are the FIRST group targetted in the pogroms.

Bingo DuBois, at your service for all your clown stripper needs.

My nephew rather obliviously asked to table-share in a crowded restaurant with Robert Downey Jr. He said that he recognized RDJ about 20 seconds after he sat down and then felt socially awkward penguin. They ended up talking about a political article RDJ was reading (nephew’s a polisci nerd) and apparently had a

I have Serious Feelings about this - it’s my town and my Planned Parenthood. What he did affects my life in a personal way, every time I drive by that corner, shop at that center, or get reproductive health care.

Are you implying that Mr Rogers was NOT a badass? Thems fighting words.

Wow, Sniffles is really getting desperate, huh.

I discovered my first grey hair while returning from my honeymoon. 26 years later I still have not let my husband forget this.

Ball gag, restraints so I wouldn’t have to listen to him or watch him mansplain my orgasm? Then, yea, screen door meet hurricane. Otherwise?