<3 Honestly, I know that perfectly nice people like port. My husband, for one. I just will have a raging migraine within 15 minutes of drinking any oxidized spirit, and it has embittered me.
<3 Honestly, I know that perfectly nice people like port. My husband, for one. I just will have a raging migraine within 15 minutes of drinking any oxidized spirit, and it has embittered me.
Hey man, if you like drinking spoiled wine, you do you bro. Just don’t ruin perfectly nice balsamic with it.
NO. Balsamic vinegar is godlike elixir.. Port is oxidized sadness and migraines. Bad Lifehacker.
Darebee is AWESOME - there are dozens of no-equipment workouts with varying emphasis and themes. Want to channel your inner superhero? Pick your favorite and go to town. Even better - pick a few, print them out, and grab one at random to run for the month!
I love my Sonos system with an unholy love - so much so that I won’t be getting a Home until it ports with my Sonos. You’re right, though, Home sounds like a nifty thing for Sonos-non-havers.
My personal best buy has been a black wool Guess peacoat. It has a detachable collar to move from pea coat to mandarin collar, and I sunk another $50 on really gorgeous buttons to make it unique. I’ve worn that sucker for 10 years, get it cleaned twice a year, and it looks new.
Because making bets with a man who has a known gambling addiction is a good idea. Mmhm.
If you are breaking the law you swear to uphold, you are a bad cop. Pot is not legal in Oklahoma. Neither is manslaughter.
Do NOT make Kara go off on you about shade vs not shade. Trashing this pastor publicly and blatantly is not shade.
Umm... yep. That’s the exact idea and mechanism upon which this alarm clock works.
Umm... yep. That’s the exact idea and mechanism upon which this alarm clock works.
If you are not lactose intolerant (thank you, northern European ancestors), milk is delicious and perfect. If you are.. then whatever gets you through the cereal bowl, I guess.
Nope, not at all. I’m a software weenie. I am not a software engineer by job title, but I herd cats..err..coders and do the metrics, QA, business intelligence stuff for our group. It’s really interesting and different every day (sometimes every hour), and the bonus is the ability to work remotely.
The Norma Shearer version also has the joy of Charles Laughton doing a seriously menacing and creepy turn as EBB’s father. Even as a kid he creeped me out in that role.
We were lucky enough to get a 15 yr mortgage that we could (barely at the time) afford. Small, older house, but a stellar location and yard.
We paid off our mortgage this last month. I cannot even TELL you how good that feels. We have one car payment each month until December, then we officially have Zero Debt. Except I’m going to make VW buy back my TDi, so we’ll have two car payments for a couple of months, then back to 1, but we can pay that off w/in…
Here I am in Colorado, sitting outside working (and taking Lifehacker Breaks) and the first yellow leaf of the year just flung itself on my keyboard about an hour ago. I respectfully suggest that, as lovely as Fall is, it should lead directly and immediately into Spring. I am not ready for this.
I’d add one - be grateful. I am currently eating lunch and surfing on my 1/2 hr self-allotted break while working from home. I am sitting in my yard, on my yard swing in the shade, while the dog keeps the rabid attack squirrels at bay. I’ve been out here almost 5 hours and will probably knock off in another 4 1/2…
Oh how I want Ice’s tweet to be about Kanye.... Please, oh please. That would be 1000x more fun than Rock v Vin.
Naw man, I wake up because I feel like waking up, not because the hellbeast of an alarm assaults me into consciousness. It’s awesome. I lay there and give the dog her now-mandatory belly rub before I have to get moving.
Naw man, I wake up because I feel like waking up, not because the hellbeast of an alarm assaults me into…