
This thing is the shit. It’s cloudy today, and September, and I woke up 3 minutes before my alarm this morning. I hear my chirping bird alarm maybe once a week - I’m usually awake 3-5 minutes earlier with this clock.

This thing is the shit. It’s cloudy today, and September, and I woke up 3 minutes before my alarm this morning. I

Go forth and do not procreate!

I love you and will have your makeup free internet babies.

Rudy’s BBQ in Boerne, TX, uses the little scraps of meat that crumble away while they slice you up your delicousness in their beans. Pig, Cow, Turkey, it all goes in the beans.

Of course, depending on your trip, this might mean you have to check into a hotel earlier, and that can cost money, which would offset any savings from flying with Spirit.

Ruby Woo goes pink on me, but Russian Red is life, man. Also thumbs up for Besame. Victory Red is flawless, if a bit drying for me.

Ruby Woo goes pink on me, but Russian Red is life, man. Also thumbs up for Besame. Victory Red is flawless, if a bit

Well hell. I had no particular intention of seeing this - the Ring was beautiful, but not particularly original I thought, so why see Rings? Then I watched the trailer. I will go see Vincent D’Onofrio read the phone book. I blame you, Aimée. This is all your fault.

YAY! Super glad to hear it. What with Larry Wilmore’s show being cancelled and Gawker -my cheese.. someone has REALLY moved my damned cheese.

YAY! Super glad to hear it. What with Larry Wilmore’s show being cancelled and Gawker -my cheese.. someone has

Erm.. maybe ‘ugly and UNdesirable?’ Great read, Clover!

Yepper, just one more source is all. Upon rereading, missing that one word really changed the intention.

Yepper, just one more source is all. Upon rereading, missing that one word really changed the intention.

I should have said *do* you read, sorry. It’s a great series and can probably act as another resource for you. No shade intended.

I should have said *do* you read, sorry. It’s a great series and can probably act as another resource for you. No

So you read XOVain, who has started a whole series about red lipsticks, huh?

So you read XOVain, who has started a whole series about red lipsticks, huh?

Avocados are disgusting - like eating a vaguely green tasting stick of butter. No-one should eat them. BOOM, problem solved.

Come to mama, you pretty, pretty man... unf

OH THANK GOD SOMEONE FINALLY SAID IT OUT LOUD. Ew. Leo has always been ew, and now he’s older, skeevy ew. I have never, ever understood it. Ew. I love you, Aimee.

I love me some Vin Diesel. Loooooove. I personally think he should do more comedy, but I digress. I love him. He is a big doofus playing a hardass, and that tickles me (see also my obsession with birthday boy Chris Hemsworth).

Mexican Shrimp Cocktail. SO much better a day or two later. If cooked shrimp in the fridge makes you go EW, you can cook it, freeze it in individual serving sizes, and add it to the mixed veg. OK, no I need to go make a batch.

On our flight to Europe last year we saw a woman pulled out right AT the door of the plane for ‘additional screening’, aka, taking everything out of all of her carry on luggage and being publicly patted down by a female TSA agent. FUNNY, but she was also the only woman on the plane in hijab.

Like the psychic who told me I’d be married within the year (hello visible engagement ring) and have two kids? Yea... married 4 years later to a different guy and, 26 years on, still no kids.

Really? Aside from the lack of chin cleft, I think he looks more like his grampa (who’s pic is also on his belly).