My go-to for fruit salad is a simple vinaigrette with a touch of mustard, a bit of sugar, and a shitton of poppy seeds. Still use salt, pepper, a medium-ish vinegar like sherry, and a good olive oil. Nom.
My go-to for fruit salad is a simple vinaigrette with a touch of mustard, a bit of sugar, and a shitton of poppy seeds. Still use salt, pepper, a medium-ish vinegar like sherry, and a good olive oil. Nom.
AGREED. If the media must publish personal details, let’s hear about the victims and the helpers, not the perpetrators. Those idiots who perpetrate these kinds of atrocities all want to be the immortalized martyrs for some cause (and they all can find a cause if they hunt for it). Take that away from them. Let their…
I started trying to consciously chain habits recently to calm down the mayhem that has been my life lately. 37 days into my new habit routine, I use an hour of my life to:
Yea, once upon a time my dad was Sean Connery’s age. Dad would have been 91 last month; Sean says he's 85.
All I’m sayin’ is when they find the torture room in Jim Carrey’s basement, or his vast collection of deviant porn, or the bodies in the hills.. I’m gonna say I Told You So. That boy is off, and not in a happy fun time way.
Darling, that’s what SERVANTS are for - use your chamber pot, or have a spiffy chair built to hold it at a convenient height for you, or get a servant to just get down on all fours and put it on their back, then let THEM empty it. Really, who needs to flush when one’s servant can do it for one.
Dogface wants attention, any attention. Licking gets it attention. Either redirect the behavior, or put Dogface in time out. ‘Go get a toy’, ‘Take a break’ (go lay down in your spot), ‘Go see Papa’, etc.
Many years ago in the 70s, my family’s go-to Christmas Eve dinner was ‘crab fondue’, aka a brick of Velveeta, milk, at least 2 giant cans of crab, and a bit of wine, and a grating of nutmeg. I remember it as delicious, but I was about 10, so...
Awwwww yiss! May the wings of liberty never lose a feather.
Lifehacker to the rescue.…
Preach, my lumpy, denseboobed sister. Upside? A rack that still defies gravity in my 50s. Downside? All of your article.
A long time ago someone told me that every line of my experience section should say one of two things: How I made my company money, or how I saved my company money. It doesn’t have to be explicit, but it should be clear.
How to communicate clearly with your bosses, coworkers, and subordinates and CYA at the same time. It is unbelievable to me the number of times I’ve had to teach someone how to send that followup email that says ‘so we agreed XYZ will be done by me by $date. I will let you know by $date-$days if I run into any…
If one wanted to cherry pick to support a position here, one can cherry pick either way.
Yes, because Canada is a notorious hotbed of lawlessness...
Right? I am not aware of any reason why any person cannot pay legal costs for any other person.
Bad dog! SIT.