
Gee, I had a really, really fun time watching Orca and their young last year. In the ocean. Where THEY prefer to live. They didn’t do purty tricks, but they swam around, poked their heads out to check us out, swam UNDER our boat which was awesome, and, you know, basically behaved like wild Orca tend to do.

I live in a tourist town. There’s a shop on our main drag that has had EVERYTHING 50% OFF! for my entire lifetime. I am over 50.

Aw man.. I had that album on 8 track tape. I feel ooooooooooooooooooold. Not as old as Funky Tut, but old.

Oh, honey. A rapist can’t be counted..there’s no partnership involved. I’m so sorry you even had to ask. ((Internet hugs))

He put an unrestrained agressive animal in a position to hurt another animal *when he had been given control over both animals*. That control makes it his responsibility.

LEASHES ARE A THING. MUZZLES ARE A THING. NOT PUTTING THE DOG UNRESTRAINED WHERE IT CAN HURT THE PIG IS A THING. I don’t know how I can break that down for you any more clearly. He had control over both the dog and the pig in this situation - that makes it his responsibility.

Responsible would have been to have that dog on a leash until he was 100% sure, and then more sure, of the dog’s reaction.

Ugh. This fucking asshole. Sure, you can intimidate a dog into behaving, and even eventually to think it likes being intimidated. Or you can have a well behaved companion. My dog is 98% positive reinforcement trained (I have and will behave forcefully when she does things that can endanger herself or others, which

And exhausted.

She was adorable, intelligent, and poised! Also her parents are either just as type A, or exhausted. Either way, she was amazing and blew Larry away!

Jessie J is about the only person I can think of who is more impressive singing a cappella our with a single guitar rather than a produced track. She’s enormously under rated in the US.

Airplane armrests are to be split evenly between passengers. One person takes the front half of the armrest, the other person takes the back half.

The video selection for this article is EVERYTHING. I love you and will have your gay internets babies. Also I am showing my age, because I knew exactly what video it was at first glance of the still and started laughing. <3

Hey, not all the people of color are past the fold! That’s.. is that right? Did someone at VF make a booboo?

They were pretty amazing - tall (5'10", 5'11", and 6'), state athletes way back in the 1920s and 1930s, independant, badass women. I have awesome role models.

Vina was my great aunt’s name (along with her sisters Verniece and Beulah). Is this a sign that my future bestie awaits me on this app?

Goofy Vin is Best Vin. His daughter is going to be delighted, then horrified by her Daddy as she is a child, then a teen. Then back to delighted as an adult.

Oh my god I love rowing. If I could afford a proper flywheel rowing machine and had space to put it, I might not ever do anything else. EVERYTHING HURTS! It’s so good!

I don’t get Essie, I really don’t. I always, always have to do 4-5 coats to get coverage with Essie, compared with 2-3 using every other brand mentioned in the article. And Essie was liked for coverage? I’m baffled.

I don’t get Essie, I really don’t. I always, always have to do 4-5 coats to get coverage with Essie, compared with

When do we get to be over Lin-Manuel Miranda? He’s really fast approaching the tipping point from cause celebre to egotistical twit.