
Those are damned fine looking poodles. If you make me that print and 86 all the dogs, replacing them with more poodles, I will wear it to the office and out to dinner tomorrow. I have no taste whatever when it comes to well-executed poodle anythings, though, sooooooooooo.. there’s that.

He does nothing for me, but I find his adorkableness attractive as all get out. Also the look on his face when Paula and Jenna were on either side of him. Channing had a Bad Thought and was totally unable to hide it! Woopsie!

Having watched it, that was deliberately over the top konturing. Before I tried to what song it was, I thought he was going for Valkyrie Princess. Jenna won the second she Magic Miked at him. He was even darker during that...dark red.

I see you have both verbal diarrhea and reading comprehension fail. Shoo.

It’s a fact that Islam is an Abrahamic religion, as is Judaism and Christianity. Same god, different interpretations thereof. Whether or not an individual believes that god exists is a different issues entirely.

Professor teaches facts: evangelicals start termination proceedings. Sounds about typical.

You can be a badass and goofy. Why are these things contradictory in your head? Our baby JLaw is just growing up.

You know what else warms up your back? Clothes. Blankets. Heating pads. Stripping and hanging out nude from the waist up seems to counterintuitive. The placebo effect is awesome, ain’t it?

Explain how fancy skin suction fixes infections in the respiratory system. Be warned, though. If you use the word “toxins” I will use my voodoo graveyard dust and curse you so all off your eyelashes fall out and never grow back.

Giving hand fans with your face on them for Christmas is Trump-level self absorption.

We got to see him two years ago, touring with his daughter Antonia. He’s such a stone fox, still!

And, in fact, the song was sung both by the man as the aggressor AND by the woman as the aggressor in the movie Neptune’s Daughter (Esther Williams, Ricardo Montalban, silly fun).

Growing up in the stone ages, I was always told that all my Xmas presents were from my family and friends who loved me. Santa filled a stocking with nuts and fruit and a bit of candy, but PRESENTS were from my loved ones.

Easy listening power duo Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett.

There are people who contend the earth is flat, too, but we don’t let them make policy. BECAUSE THEY ARE IDIOTS.

I’m all about informed consent, MissM. You know what you’re doing, so rock on with your bad self. <3

Let’s talk fiber, and specifically staple length. Those big chunky monkey blankies are made of many tiny fibers that create, essentially, a mega-yarn, right? Staple length is the length of each fiber - like how long your hair is. Yarn is twisted (look at your sweater) and plied to keep all the little ends of the

Bought a set of the Rubbermaid storage when it was on deep discount last winter and I’ve never looked back. Just go buy the thing and throw out all the mismatched crap falling out of your cupboard.

Bought a set of the Rubbermaid storage when it was on deep discount last winter and I’ve never looked back. Just go

OMG Chanel has her daddy’s dimples. I am ded.

FWIW, that photo is of the fast food joints and grocery store about 1/2 a block away from the PP office.