
My favorite picture of him. I’ll osso his buco for him.

He sure as HELL knew he had unprotected sex with someone else.

Why would you not express your appreciation for the person you’ve chosen to share your life with? We say Thank You and Please and show appreciation for each other all the time. If you love someone enough to let them share your life, you should have as much common respect and courtesy for them as you would any

He has a gorgeous infant daughter. I sure hope that nobody ever calls her a slut if she sleeps with more than one member of a group of people, or ever pays her less than her male colleagues, or any of the other things that her Dad seems to be OK with.

And, honestly, isn’t the whole gender mind fuck the core value of our beloved RHPS? YES, YES IT IS!

Sunchokes taste nice and all, but they are DEAD TO ME. Because if my husband eats them, I can’t be in the same part of the house for the ‘something crawled up my butt and died there’ flatulence. For a good two days.

One person’s pain does not invalidate another person’s pain. The feelings of women AND men sexually assaulted, and the feelings of their families, in no way invalidates the feelings of the families of those women and men murdered each year. This is not a zero sum equation.

Swirly, both for the hair and because he circles the bottom of the bowl.

She’s just precious, isn’t she?

Well bless your heart, aren’t you the sweetest little rainbow in God’s universe.

Praise Jesus for bald men. Or, possibly more accurately, Praise Eros.

Hey, if you write something that’s TOTALLY COVERED in the article like it’s somehow news, then yea.. I question that. Have you considered that you may be sensitive to something in Blistex and that there are demonstrably enough people who like it to keep the product on the shelves?

Did you read the article? At all? Jesus wept.

I live in what was my 6ft tall grandmother’s house. All of my counters are 4” higher than standard, and I love them with an loving love, even though I’m only 5’8”. It doesn’t take THAT much to raise your counters - when we redid the kitchen, we built a simple 2x4 frame at the floor upon which to stack the cabinets. A

Ew. Just.. ew. To both of them.

Dude, I don’t even drink wine. I also don’t give rape apologists or rapists a pass because they can act or, apparently, run a business.

Nope. People who support and apologize for child rapists don’t get passes. I wouldn’t piss on Diane Keaton if she were on fire.

Hey, if you are disfunctional enough not to be able to, you know, talk to each other, then I guess this is better than nothing. It’s kind of ridiculous, though.

But.. I have, in fact, been on the wine train and seen groups (may have been a participant in) loud, rowdy, drunken behavior and NOT been even looked at sideways, and I am a middle aged white woman.

Who cares? It needs looked at and now it is. The more visibility there is the better, no matter how it comes.