Methinks Charlie is Full of Himself.
Methinks Charlie is Full of Himself.
All the Beat Hodgkin’s Mojo to you and Garret! You’ve got this, Katy. No matter what, you two have got this.
Look through some of the answers to my original comment - r/aww, r/beforenafteradoption, the whole SFW Porn network is gorgeous art, all SFW - I love /r/earthporn and r/foodporn, r/oldschoolcool, the creepypasta stuff if you are into that, if you are a techie there are great tech forums..
/r/BeforeNAfterAdoption is heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time, and I love /r/OldSchoolCool, too.
This is why redditors can’t have nice things. Take away something loathesome and they have a conniption. (Still a redditor myself - there are far more awesome places on reddit.)
Preach, Kara. Preach.
$.01 check, made out to cash.
Dude, you do you. I was giving you shit, not being Mortally Offended. It’s cool.
If we’re old enough that we coined shit-ton? We are old enough that we don’t care if you think we’re too old to say it.
Yet Amy Schumer does wildly outrageous humor every day and manages. Perhaps Seinfeld isn’t as Adept At The Comedy as he’d like to think he is.
Awwww, he’s a keeper!
Husband, soon after we got married, was waaaaaaay down the aisle shopping while I stood in line at the pharmacy.
I was never ASHAMED of menstruating, but I do think it’s in the realm of ‘stuff that I choose to share with very few’. My dental hygiene is sort of the same thing. Sure, I floss and brush my teeth, but I don’t hang it out at the table. I never hid tampons, but I did tend to either take my purse into the bathroom or…
You know, if you took your time and the filleting knife was really sharp, it wouldn’t be too bad.
Oh, honey.
He’ll always be Frothy the Santorum to me.. God Bless Dan Savage just this once for coining the term.
I’m not a babby haver myself.. just spitballing circumstances under which I might medicate my entirely hypothetical child.
I can see an argument that, with physician approval, one might give a child an decongestant to help clear his or her little ears and relieve pressure, but, you know, A) that ain’t benadryl and B) not my child. <3