
It’s hard to say - does he get points for a politically motivated stance if that stance is the morally correct (if incomplete) one? Or do we just flip Frothy Santorum off on principle and move on.

Wow, using this gif twice in 5 minutes! Sorry, it’s the only possible response.

You.. used.. acetominophen for inflammation.. and ibuprofen, an antiINFLAMMATORY, for everything else? OK then.

By the time I was 14 I knew that Mecca was closed to non-Muslims. That was common knowledge in the late 70s..

Wow. You’re an asshole. This is SO why we can’t have nice things.


Dan Savage is kind of an asshole, but he did coin the term Santorum, so let’s all watch the show and see how it pans out.

Who the hell rides to MC from Lakeshore? Thorium Point is where all the cool kids hang out, man.

“Yes, David, you are happy to see me and eager to prove you’re still hot. That’s nice. Keep your tongue in your mouth.”

Skinner was jacked under those starched shirts!

I am OVER Belgian waffles. It’s harder to spread butter; they never are as crispy and perfect. I have a thrift store old school square waffle maker that makes perfect waffles every time.

I am OVER Belgian waffles. It’s harder to spread butter; they never are as crispy and perfect. I have a thrift store

Britt is still a genuinely hella pretty woman.

Jonathan Franzen can’t write sex.

Reacher. It was an abomination. For maximum loathing, read ANY of Lee Child’s Reacher books first.

I use my husband’s razor once a month, so free. If I had to use my own, I certainly would use the blades more than once, even if only to shave my pits and legs. Again, no one solution is best for everyone. Options are nice things.

Yea. I can shave forEVER for less than the cost of 2 laser treatments, basically. Also if you have clear hair and translucent skin, fuggetaboutit.

Not with someone else’s vagina. There does not exist enough steel wool to clean that off.

Your eyebrows go grey, and then basically transparent. If she has insufficient fucks to dye them to match her hair, her options are makeup or invisible.