Before I listen: I don’t think I’ve ever actually heard a Ciara song, or if I have I don’t know it. However, she is my brand new girl crush just from that picture. OMG she’s gorgeous in that!
Before I listen: I don’t think I’ve ever actually heard a Ciara song, or if I have I don’t know it. However, she is my brand new girl crush just from that picture. OMG she’s gorgeous in that!
This is EVERYTHING. I have actual, real live goosebumps. God I need this on MP3.
I rock at this, not to be humble. What I ask myself about each coworker or manager is ‘What does this person need from me to make our communication most effective?’ Some people need deadlines, some need allll the background, some just need the barest minimum essentials, some need face to face communication, others…
I’d be scared to go there. Mirrors are disorienting. It would be SO EASY to knock into it with my massive, heavy purse and break it. By accident. Repeatedly.
I’ve said similar things about blondes - as I’m a blonde. Things like ‘AND she’s blonde, which is awesomest’. I want to believe she said that as part of the Pasty Girl Solidarity movement. I’m going to believe that. After Baltimore, I need to believe that. I’m almost certainly delusional, and of course saying it about…
There is not enough disinfectant and steel wool in existence to get that off of one..
The service for my Grandmother included an extended ‘if you’re not washed in the blood of Jesus Christ, you’re going to hell’ after we specifically asked that it be non-secular as A) my twiced divorced grandmother identified as Catholic but understood she was not in good standing with the Church, and B) my sister…
Jessie seems all around delightful. I love that woman.
OK, immediate edit: I'm sorry, that came off harsh. I have feels about caging after seeing it abused too many times. I apologize.
I'm actually POSITIVE that I've never used that word in my life. Possibly one could reread my original comment?
Nice one, Chet - racist and misogynistic in one. If you'd only managed to include a transphobic or homophobic slur, you'd have had the trifecta!
On an average, bumming around the house no makeup day, I'm a 4.5. On a good, groomed, working it day, I'm a 5.5 or 6. I used to be a 7.5 twenty years and thirty pounds ago.
Yea, why is this a question? Consent, consent, consent. If you don't want to do something, you simply don't.
Dennis Leary, shut the fuck up with the racist bullshit, kthxbye.
They're called dresser scarves - I have some of my grandmother's that I use as table runners on special occasions.
We could always assume all black people are violent, too. Oh wait, you have that one covered already.