
I find it odd that someone can claim to have been "really into the Italian horror scene" and have never seen Deep Red.

I couldn't agree more on both counts. Ewan does a solid Alec Guinness impression- you genuinely get the feeling that he is actually trying and being thwarted by the material over and over again. I can see why he's not a fan of the prequels despite being in them. Poor Martin Freeman: he's in 3 movies called 'The

It is at its best during the Jabba Palace and Sarlaac pit segments. After that, it kinda starts to get lost.

Also, the whole premise that this article sets up is daft. The prequels would never have succeeded financially if "Star Wars" hadn't been an established cultural touchstone. If the Phantom Menace had been released as is without the original trilogy preceding it (and it's doubtful that Lucas would have had that kind of

With all the text being spilled to try to defend the godawful prequel trilogy, I am kinda starting to wonder if the A.V. Club is on Lucas' payroll or if this is just a hipster pose/ cynical grab for page views. The writers of these pieces can't actually mean what they say because it flies so firmly in the face of

Including some good ones that were just released, including Bone Tomahawk, etc. I loved 'It Follows', but D'Angelo isn't really telling us anything new or interesting about it here.

This list is decidedly mixed. Cabin in the Woods is completely idiotic, with the incessant praise for it seemingly generated by the most ardent of the Joss Whedon fanboy cult.

Mouth of Madness is my favorite Carpenter film and it totally nails the feel of Lovecraft. The silent "Call of Cthulu" is great also. I also liked the Universal-horror inspired adaptation of "The Whisperer in Darkness" also distributed by the Lovecraft Historical Society.

Call is a great pastiche of silent film that is as exact an adaptation of the Lovecraft story as you are going to find, Call Girl on the other hand was very disappointing. I was hoping for some delightful camp: instead it was just soggy, mediocre and boring.

Not to mention 'In The Mouth of Madness', which Carpenter made when he was 47.