
obligatory honorable mention

It’s not a medical “thing” though. You can have an intact hymen and have had intercourse. You can have a non intact hymen and have never had sexual intercourse. Most competent, ethical doctors refuse to “certify” if someone is a virgin because it is impossible to determine medically.

I don't care if someone saves themself for marriage or not. But I think it's weird and gross that she shared a certificate about her hymen with her father. My dad couldn't care less about my sex life, but if he did I would hope that he would trust me enough to take my word for it.

*cough*....butt stuff and oral...*cough*

You should make the newest Jezebel writers watch this as a hazing ritual.

Exactly. As if kids that age want to be around their parents. To put the final nail in that coffin, show his kids those idiot pictures of him doing P90X.

can your children not sit on a goddamn airplane to DC like what

like i won’t fault a parent for wanting be home with their family every weekend

They’re not useless. They just have a high enough false positive rate that patients who are at very low risk are unlikely to have the disease even if they test positive. They’re still very important for people in high risk groups, and useful as an occasional screening tool for others. That said, the BRCA tests are a

Also HIPAA. Because email is a no no for protected health information where I work, so I have to spend half my day faxing things and calling people on the phone like an animal.

I discovered this today, and it sounds brilliant.

I thought Norman Bates’s mother was dead, not inspiring Facebook quotes.



I hate to go around popping everyone’s NDP bubbles*, but landslides like this are not the result of strategic voting. They are the result of a pretty weak campaign run by Mulcair, and the fact that, actually, Canadians really fucking like Justin Trudeau.

i like how he’s threatening an independent run, as if there’s a huge subset of voters clamoring for jim fucking webb to be president. “Hmmm I like the idea of a fiscal democrat who ALSO is uncomfortable with black voters AND wants to bomb the shit out of the Middle East. Jim Webb’s my guy.”

this time next year, Obama will still be president. :P

For the past 79 days, Canadians have been embroiled in the longest campaign in the country since 1872

My family is Canadian, so I can speak with some authority: Justin is a very common name in Canada.

What about the dryer? or does he really use his radiator?