
Oh hell yes there are parties and parades - where there are very large Italian-American communities. If your city has a Little Italy, expect a gigantic parade and fireworks. Why the fuck Columbus was chosen as the patron saint of Italian-Americans I will never know. If I were Italian-American, I’d be mortified.

I agree in part, but also disagree. Porn itself isn’t the problem, it’s the way women are depicted and treated in porn. They’re treated as objects, the sex is only pleasurable for the men, and the women are often degraded and humiliated. If porn was produced in a way that depicted both partners as equals, it wouldn’t

Somewhat tangential, but remember the fappening? One of the most infuriating things to me was the men who claimed that Jennifer Lawrence couldn’t be mad about her nudes being leaked because A. she took them, so obviously she wants them to be seen, and B. she posed semi-nude in Vanity Fair, so “what’s the difference”?

Once again, with gusto!

All that I can say is that I’m glad they took this seriously & handled it promptly, & none of the students were hurt because of this entitled shit stain.

“Blah blah blah why would you send nudes if you don’t want people seeing them blah blah”


No no no. You don’t understand. They’re just playing musical chairs.

So is he saying that these mass murders are committed by children that come from single parent/absentee father homes and in order to prevent these tragedies we should ban abortion and thus create more single parent/absentee father homes?

This is fucking stupid.

The difference here is that men’s bodies are not aggressively legislated. Women’s bodies ARE. Therefore, if a man is trying to pass laws about what I can and can not do with my body, then for fuck’s sake, he’d better have, at the VERY LEAST, a rudimentary understanding of just what happens in it.

I don’t. Men are notoriously unobservant, and never moreso than when it comes to “ewwww, girl things.”

Dude, no. I must have bangs. My forehead is so huge, curves for so long, that it looks like my hair is receding from the battlefield. When it gets shiny, crows mistake it for nesting scrap. It’s like an outdoor movie screen. Bangs bangs bangs.


“Bangs cut off your face, your wonderful, beautiful face, and make you look childlike and sad, all at the same time.”

Overly simplistic. Guns obviously play a major role, especially in regards to how many people can be killed in a short time. But the idea that toxic masculinity, bullying, mental health, and misogyny do not play vital and critical roles in these tragic events exposes a bias and agenda that time and time again have

Margaret Atwood was on point when she said,

Shaggy has covered this tactic already.