Ohmygod, and when he danced and sang with those kids I almost got a little misty.
I have roughly the same interest in becoming a parent as mongooses have in hanging out with snakes but holy crap this guy.
“When Michelle and I came into office....”
2005? Oh shit you guys, I’m from 10 years in the future and I have to tell you...shit gets worse. Take all of your money out of the market in 2007, you’ll thank me.
The plaintiffs were asking for a fine, not that she be jailed, and the Judge flat out asked her if she would do her job if he just imposed a fine and she said no. He flat out said at that point that she was leaving him no choice since she was admitting that a lighter penalty wouldn’t make a difference.
Kim, you gotta know you done fucked up when...
How about your local highschool’s gay and straight alliance? Or theatre. Same thing.
umm why is kate mckinnon’s justin beiber not one of the choices
Just want to clarify that I would, however, have sex with Kate MacKinnon as Justin Bieber.
There’s also the question, posed several times in the comments, of how Ted Cruz and his contemporaries would feel if a liberal progressive used religious freedom to deny gun licenses.
I love how Scalia put this in a 2002 essay (unrelated to marriage rights) about the obligations of a public servant when their job duties conflict with their beliefs: “He has, after all, taken an oath to apply the laws and has been given no power to supplant them with rules of his own. Of course if he feels strongly…
At the risk of sounding like I support Lindsey Graham, Lindsey Graham told her to do her job or resign. So that’s nice.
Is she like, the ONLY person in her office allowed to issue marriage licenses? Can’t she just have someone else do it? Doesn’t she have like a bunch of deputies? Has someone already answered this question?