
If someone doesn’t respond to you after the first Grand Gesture, it’s time to leave them the fuck alone.

I love Bernie, but I think his chances of winning the presidency are pretty fucking slim. A Socialist is going to be a long shot. So I see his role as shaping debate, raising issues, and forcing the Clinton campaign left of its current position at center-right.

That’s a good point about the Socialist lens. Politicians tend to get so caught up in their personal ideology that they interpret everything in terms of that cause. When your only tool is a sickle and hammer, every problem looks like a Socialist nail.

The whole point of the protest being aimed at white progressives at this point is to point out that white people aren’t entitled to ANYTHING from black people. Why is it so fucking difficult for white people to understand how condescending it is to think their ostensibly progressive politics inures them from issues of

His rationale for such a decision is two-fold

“Yeah, I really regret not having a child at age 10,” said no one ever.

So she’s in the movie just to be rescued? Wonderful.

Who’s the fringe candidate on the Dem side? Is he/she advocating for the sustained medical torture of child rape victims? If no, you have a hell of a false equivalency there.

We’ll have to agree to disagree.

Like the fact that she is anti-choice, supports overturning Roe, and supports fetal-personhood?

“Ninety-five percent of women who have had abortions do not regret the decision to terminate their pregnancies,”

You mean the woman who has no concept of public health? Who thinks medical treatments are a matter of religious freedoms? Who says parents shouldn’t have to vaccinate their children?

Those who are running as representatives of the Republican party have the same views. They are in the positions they are in because most Republican voters agree with them.

The baby was delivered by planned C Section, precisely because labour and childbirth would have been so physically dangerous. That poor little girl.

When I started reading the sentence I thought “child” meant the 10-year old and had a glimmer of hope, but that was stomped immediately.

It’s not only cruel, it can be deadly. Ten year old children were never meant to carry a pregnancy. If it doesn’t kill, it can maim, including fistula and pelvic floor prolapse, which can cause permanent disability and render them unable to bear further babies. Not incidentally, it’s also deadlier for the baby and

Right, but shorts do not a feature movie make. That’s like saying, “you can have these side shows, but the main stage is just for the boys.” Also, I don’t think the shorts enter the public’s obsessive consciousness quite the way the full-length films do.

Exactly, categories of toys should really be all that’s needed—dolls (including action figures), building sets, pretend-to-be-an-adult things, etc.

“If you go to buy a gift for a boy that’s nine or six, or a girl who’s nine or six, you want to be able to go that section and pick out a toy they might want. Now you have to sit there and look at a blended area and wonder, is this for a boy, or is this for a girl?”