
scientology is like if mean girls and jonestown had a baby.

Seriously, good for her. It is super super hard to get out of a cult and to not only do that but then talk about it publicly is a giant fuck you. Nicely done Leah.

IDK, I liked American Hustle.

  • Gardasil covers HPV types 6, 11, 16, 18.

I can’t wait until the last few months before the election. I have a feeling he is going to go balls-to-the-wall no fucks given and I cannot wait.

I wouldn’t say “never” but other than that I’m with you all the way.

I love the lame-duck Obama.

We all make that face when we’re about to give teenagers the autism.

I will “exalt sex workers” all day long, if you mean “allow that some of them are human beings with free will who’ve chosen sex work.” As for people who do not choose sex work, but enter it through trafficking, coercion or economic hardship, I’ll put this part of the letter in again, in case you missed it:

for a network that supposedly represents the lefty side of the political spectrum, it sure has a weird habit of being fucking horrible/unwatchable/openly antagonistic to liberal priorities.

I own two shirts...

Also the BEST THING she did in this clip was to tell people to contact their State Representatives and to talk about that Statute of Limitations.

Oh God that would be amazing. And the MRA reaction to it would be even better.

“Anyone who truly knows me understands that if I was aware of a friend or bandmate being violated, I would not stand by while it happened. For a group of young teenagers thrust into 70s rock stardom there were relationships that were bizarre, but I was not aware of this incident. Obviously Jackie’s story is extremely

But she never said it didn’t happen. She never disputed any aspect of the account except to say that she didn’t witness it. We can’t know if that’s true or not (and as many, including Fuchs, have pointed out — Jett could have witnessed it and not remembered it for any number of reasons).

They were children. Actual children in an adult situation they could not possibly understand or be expected to know how to handle correctly.

I think we have to remember she was 16.*


It’s what I always think re: home births. Gosh, to be so privileged as to have the ability and means to have a baby in a hospital, but choose not too. “Ladies have babies in fields all over the world!!” Yeah, and most of them would LOVE to not have to.

I maintain that Freddie Mercury was the coolest person ever.