At least their costumes looked reasonably on point, though, and not the range of weird to nightmare fuel that everyone else had.
At least their costumes looked reasonably on point, though, and not the range of weird to nightmare fuel that everyone else had.
My friends and I are cosplay nerds, so we, of course, go hard every year. Normally we dress up, go to our local comic shop (they have a contest), go out for dinner and then go to see a movie in our costumes. We used to go to a party but the guy who threw it moved and we never found a new one.
It blows my mind (as does the UK’s similarly short election cycle). I don’t think we’ve had an election cycle that short here... ever?
This show was just the best. I was especially fond of Doug’s skepticsm throughout the design process (“Really? You want an electric fireplace in every room?”), the new homeowners making nasty comments while they watched the video of the old owners inspecting the changes, and the old homeowners’ continual inability to…
I’m less familiar with the black coffee thing (I still think that this study relating black coffee to psychopathy based on bitterness preference or something is questionable), but I know there are a bunch of hypotheses reguarding the smoking thing. There is one that suggests that nicotine usage is self medicating for…
The important question in this anecdote is what does she mean by sickest. The black coffee thing might not mean anything*, but there is a well known tendency among patients with psychotic disorders, especially schizophrenia, to smoke. And we’re talking multiple packs per day levels. There’s a bunch of hypotheses but…
1. That is hilarious/terrible for the reasons pointed out in the article.
I’ve seen the original video and that edit in the above video does not change the meaning from the original one (it just excises some McCarthy rambling).
Gilmore was in the JV squad at the first debate and then CNN basically told him to fuck off and didn’t let him participate in the second, iirc.
I have had bangs forever because I either have a very big forehead or a very high hairline. When I decided to grow them out I ended up with a strange look that make it look like I was going bald. Also I have a big ass scar right in the middle of my forehead from where i bashed my head into some metal playground…
I very much appreciate your distaste for Gravity and assholes that climb Everest. When I first saw a trailer for Gravity, I told my friends “The only ending to that is everyone dies a horrible screaming death as they run out of oxygen and if it the ending is anything other than that, then this movie can fuck right…
lol Same. (Agnostic, but goes to mass on Christmas w/ family) Even in second grade*, I was like “JC’s blood tastes a lot like wine, bro.”
Ah. When I read I though you were saying that it was communion that was the issue, not the transubstantiation of the communion. Christians have communion as well (although I don’t know if it is called that), but they just don’t believe in the transubstantiation part.
Clarification- It is transubstantiation, but it isn’t communion itself that is the problem. In Catholicism the belief is that during communion, the bread and wine are transformed into the actual body and blood of Jesus. In the assorted Christian denominations started in the Reformation, the bread and wine are…
Nope! Catholics are more or less original brand Christianity, but then the reformation happened and the various Protestant denominations split off (we are ignoring the East-West Schism in this oversimplification, but that is a thing also). In the US, the most hardcore Christians are generally members of Protestant…
I honestly am not even sure if I can make that graph the way they did in Excel. I’m pretty sure Excel would autoformat the Y-axis. UNLESS, of course, and this would never happen I’m sure, they made a deliberately misleading graph and then just put textboxes with some numbers in.
I know this joke is probably played out at this point, but seriously the only thing I can hear when Trump talks about ANYTHING is
It really is great. It’s like a more profane Stuff You Missed in History Class. (ETA: not that the “profane” thing is bad, just making a comparison to the intentionally family friendly SYMiHC)
He is indeed elected! The Cardinals all show up and are supposed to pray and then cast votes until they have a winner.
How the hell does he even need a teleprompter? His whole stump speech is like