
I know that I generally do not feel cold at that temperature, but that my hands start to feel cold (and this makes any typing cramps a lot worse). I generally carry a pair of fingerless gloves that I wear while I’m working.

I totally get that. I considered myself not athletic for years and years, and then at judo I found out “Holy shit, I’m really strong.” Like, at first they thought I was being more aggressive than I needed to when doing kazushi, but then we all realized I just had no understanding of how hard I was pulling. Oo goshi

This is only tangentially related, but Rousey articles have this tendency to bring out these bizarre sexist comments where dudes try and come up with evo psych style hypotheses for why Rousey is such a good fighter despite “being a female,” and/or some asshat who wants to talk about why it is reprehensible for women

Well, I am also roughly 5’2” and I assure you probably much less athletic (I’m a fairly heavy build and I have never been able to run a mile that fast) and I started judo, Rousey’s sport of origin, four years ago and love it. I’m not so much for close contact, but I can deal with it in the context of sparring. Even if

Honestly, even when she said that I figured she wouldn’t actually allow it to be purposely drawn out, because that is dumb. She’s too experienced to risk letting her opponent get the upperhand by not just finishing it once an opportunity presents itself.

Yeah, even if you’re trying to shit talk, there is a line and that is waaaaaaay over it. If she definitely said that (I haven’t been following this closely), I’m not going to feel bad when Rousey snaps her arm in half.

I think it is also important to note that Rousey was competing internationally in Judo in her teens. She started training at 11 and her mother was also a decorated judoka (meaning she would potentially have had access to advice/coaching from either her mom or her mom’s associates and based on how involved her mom

Question: In one of the early articles, I thought it said that hunting lions at night was not legal. Did I imagine that? Because if not, in his defense about not seeing the tracking collar, that dude totally admitted to hunting at night (while also making a good case for why night hunting might not be a great idea).

Yeah, I feel like people forget that hunting with very accurate gun insures a quicker death, so that the animal isn’t needlessly suffering. That’s one of the particularly terrible things about Cecil’s death- he was injured and suffering for well over a day.

I went through all of their stories yesterday and it a was deeply affecting read. I just want to point out the one that I was especially horrified by, wherein Cosby used a woman’s grief over the loss of her child as a way to lure her in. Like, all of the stories, especially when you see all of them together are

Same. I read it in 8th grade and I’ll readily admit that I basically paid just enough attention to the text to do the homework. Additionally, while I can’t remember super well, I feel like our teacher probably skipped over some of the flaws in Atticus. Some of that is context we wouldn’t have gotten then without

That’s what I was going to say. If there is a large Wels catfish swimming around in Loch Ness, then yeah, going to go ahead and say you still have a monster there because those catfish are kind of terrifying.

That’s probably the major factor. It isn’t as much of a pressing need. I grew up in an area with multiple rivers and streams and what not, and iirc, most of the local school districts included swimming in gym class at some point and/or offered cheap swim lessons for kids, cause we all needed to learn to not drown.

I was just about to ask the same thing. Like, Jennifer Lawrence doesn’t just look young, she looks young enough to be pulling off the Hunger Games where she can’t be older than like 19 or 20 in continuity without too much suspension of disbelief. At least in American Hustle there was some shoehorned dialogue about how

A wrecking ball with Trump’s stupid face on it smashing through something to the tune of that song is precisely what went through my head when I read that. So, this is a pretty close approximation.

I’ll take someone doing the right thing for shitty reasons over the kind of nonsense Trump is spouting. Not that both of them aren’t assholes, but Graham is definitely the lesser level of assholery.

I just left basically the same comment. If they want an exact match it looks like they probably need to mix them.

This doesn’t work as well as the dress because

I am unashamed to admit that I have cried multiple times at the end of Wall-E. It is the only Pixar movie that has done that to me, let alone more than once.

My understanding thus far is that he has admitted to getting the drugs and had the intention of giving them to women he wanted to have sex with, admits to giving them to other people, and admits to giving drugs to people he has had sex with, but it seems like the phrasing has stopped juuuust short of admiting to not