Since she's already playing Gamora in Guardians of the Galaxy, so she's probably out for the same reason Jaime Alexander (Lady Sif) is out- already contracted to Marvel.
Since she's already playing Gamora in Guardians of the Galaxy, so she's probably out for the same reason Jaime Alexander (Lady Sif) is out- already contracted to Marvel.
I have high hopes that we'll get a Captain Marvel movie. They're playing it close to the vest at the moment, but I keep hearing things (talks with Katee Sackhoff, Feige hinting they are considering a female lead film, the possibility of Guardians of the Galaxy setting up the Kree) that make me think they are going to…
I really, really want a Wonder Woman movie. But DC is the official sponsor of terrible corporate decisions, so my hopes of it happening (or happening with any kind of quality) are pretty much non-existent at this point. Especially if her first screen appearance has anything at all to do with Zach Synder.
Yeah, but the DC movies featuring non-Batman or non-Superman movies didn't do well because they suuuuuuuucked. And the Superman movie they intend to build off of was iffy at best. DC is (as usual) being stupid about this and can't figure out the formula that Marvel has damn near mastered.
I legitimately did not know that that was a thing.
Same here.
I read that description of their first date and actually let out an "Awwwww" and then was consumed with jealousy.
Don't forget that time he did an impression of a velociraptor.
I had just come here to say "Rand Paul, dude, I'm pretty sure she would kick your ass."
That photoset is pretty much always the best. I can't not giggle at it every time I see it.
Okay, I get what this dude was trying to do, but pretty much every single repost I have seen of it has been basically "Oh look how cool these are! Female role models re-imagined in a new way!"
I knew what gynocomastia was, but I was unaware that there was a company selling compression shirts for it.
Story time! I'm dressing as a dude (specifically Lt. Aleksis Kaidanovsky from Pacific Rim) for Halloween. I wanted to get a chest binder, but I couldn't get one without getting it custom made (the biggest size was about 8in too small for me). So, I ended up getting a gynocomastia compression shirt, which I was not…
Ah. I wasn't sure if you that's what you were alluding to or not, so figured I'd give some details.
It's a false dichotomy, frankly, and one that is at the heart of mental health stigma. Because they are "in your head" they aren't real, whereas physical problems are.
I just enjoy how deliberate it was. Like, no one else in the movie got shot like that that I can think of. (Maybe Yancy was shirtless for like a minute? I can't remember.) I suspect the intent was to give Mako the POV shot that is normally reserved for the Main Action Guy when he meets his love interest.