
+1, good sir.

I'd suspect more anti-corporate on the left and more anti-government on the right, but, yeah, pretty much everyone is terrible haha.

I gotta search for a decent example, but I'll get you what I can find. Based off of these, my interpretation would that, yes the companies do make money off of them, but they aren't invested in them in the same way they are drugs for common chronic health conditions (blood pressure and cholesterol meds,

Good on you for trying to stay informed. Just be careful- there's a lot of BS on the internet. Ignore anything from HuffPo, Natural News or Mercola. The best, most reputable, scientifically accepted info will come from MedLine or PubMed. I think you'll find that overall, vaccines are safe. There is risk with

Sounds like you're correct- he was going to get it anyway. He probably already caught the bug and it was incubating when he got the shot.

It makes a huge difference when it happens. You're suggesting that it's an acute effect- the vaccine causes the regression. If that were the case, then regression would probably occur in a pretty consistent window.

CORRELATION. Kid's are getting loads of vaccines around the time regression typically occurs. It is pure chance that the kid happened to get a vaccine around the time the kid regressed. It blows, but that's how it goes down.

I discuss this elsewhere, but VAERS must be taken with a GIANT grain of salt because it is all self reported. Some of it is legit but loads of it is just correlation stuff.

So... you don't understand dose-response, huh? Also, you can request a thimerosal free flu vaccination if you're that worried about it.

Vaccination, GMOs, and rejection of "Western" medicine seem to be the big liberal anti-science things. Conservative types who don't vaccinate seem to do so for either religious or "the government can't tell me what to do!" reasons.

There are holistic vets?!

Oh for love of god... every time people say shit like that, all I hear is "blah blah blah I don't understand dose response"

I didn't mean it as a slight against scientific methods and stuff!! Just that they were maybe (and that's a big maybe) more likely to have trouble with the underlying biology and say stuff like "I don't want their immune system to get overloaded." Sorry!

This would not have flown at ALL where I was an RA: our dorm rules specifically disallowed children under 12 from staying overnight.

Well, majority of adverse effects are mild. And as I believe you were alluding to, in the cases of death and severe injury reported, the vaccine isn't necessarily the issue. It's just reported as a possibility. Severe adverse effects are pretty rare. Which agency states that?

I love this. I have a copy hanging in my cube (with the language selectively blacked out so I don't get yelled at, haha).

I think the big flaw in that argument is this: vaccines are not terribly profitable. Like at all. Especially since their use is explicitly meant to make themselves obsolete (i.e. to eradicate that illness). Also, they're often given away for low cost or for free.

I second RosemaryRue. HuffPo is a bit... hostile towards conventional medicine. The fact remains that when it comes to neurodevelopment vaccines aren't the issue. Do some children need to amend the schedule because of idiopathic reactions? Of course. That's inherent in any treatment. I'm allergic to the pertussis vax

::sigh:: Dude, it's not necessarily one or the other. There are very, very few diseases which are definitely 100% genetic and few that are 100% environmental. Having environmental influences doesn't mean it isn't genetic. What needs to be hashed out is which environmental factors (hint: definitely not vaccines) and

For reals. Wakefield is such an unbelievable bastard. And the worst part is that I really, really don't think he's a true believer in this nonsense. There is, as you alluded to, substantial evidence that he was trying to discredit the MMR to promote his single shots he was developing (so you'd get a measles only,