
I am not Chinese- just a hobbyist film critic, I guess. I recognize that it is an important part of the culture, I just had concerns about how well it was addressed.

PONIES! No seriously, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It's still a "for girls" show, but it was designed to have a much more universal appeal to it than the previous generations. Most of the episodes have been uploaded onto youtube if you want to check it out before you show the kids.

I'd actually argue that their inability to see those shortcomings is the problem. The typical example would be Beauty and the Beast. And while Belle is, overall, an excellent character, there is a troubling undercurrent to the story which romanticizes abusive relationships. It certainly carries the "But you can change

Lol, actually that came from the Nostalgia Chick's reviews. It's one of her earlier videos, but she (especially in her later work) is very into film criticism.

Yeah, that was pretty not cool. I mean, I get the whole making sure we're all clear that this is the villain thing, but that probably could have been toned down a bit.

Oh oh, another question, although slightly off topic. Who else is outraged about the upcoming Snow Queen adaptation? You know, where the girl protagonist on a journey to rescue her male friend and is assisted almost exclusively by other women is now a princess (and sibling to the Snow Queen) who recruits a huntsmen

Holy hell, there is so much wrong in that premise.

It's hard to say. There's no huge outright moments of "wow, that's racist," which is why I added the kinda qualifier.

I didn't dislike Brave. It was fine on its own merits, but the early trailers had promised something on the scale of Princess Mononoke, so I couldn't help but be disappointed.

Aw hell, that's awesome. Maybe someone can get Pixar to develop this to help atone for how weak-sauce Brave was.

Yeah, that's very true and is definitely problematic. Although, the movie does lampshade that it isn't cool that she's ignored for being a girl and stuff (Mushu: "You're a girl again, remember!")

"And those three films, for all their troubles, have some of the strongest female characters in the Disney world, which still makes them worth watching in my opinion."

I believe you've misunderstood Ari. He's not saying we should put old and sick people on an ice floe, he's advocating better coverage and understanding of palliative care. When a condition is terminal, sometimes continued treatment just results in diminished quality of life with no substantial gains to the lifespan.

What do you guys think about Mulan? I mean, I loved the hell out of that movie and will still argue on the merits of why she is best princess (using it in the Disney "ALL OUR FEMALE LEADS SHALL HENCEFORTH REFERRED TO AS PRINCESSES" definition), but as an adult I can recognize that that movie has moments that seem a

Don't feel bad! I still laughed out loud and am saving it right now.

I totally agree with you, but one minor correction- fish contains predominantly methylmercury, which has a slightly different distribution in the body. But true facts on everything else.

I'd guess by survey. Basically, I'd guess they surveyed women (likely anonymously as suggested by the other reply) to get an idea of how many had been raped, and how many reported it to get an idea of the proportion. The other numbers could be found via crime statistics.

OMG I totally hear you on the being horrified by the prospect of the biological clock warping your mind (a process I jokingly refer to as "The Baby Madness"). I'm 25 now, have known I do not want kids since I was like 12, and hoping I will make it through my 30s without succumbing to the Madness.

It's more a big picture thing. An artist here or there that does this wouldn't be concerning. But it is so painfully common. It's nearly inescapable.

::sigh:: Dude. The re-draws above are not supposed to be sexy. The artists are not requesting sexualized male characters. They are asking for female characters to be drawn like something other than a blow-up doll. They like those female characters. They want the artists to draw them like they respect them as something