
As per usual.. the Lindelof finale is a head-scratcher of simplicity & idiocy.

screw this ignorant hamster-turd!… offering a solution to a problem he clearly doesnt understand, with the nuance of a castrated donkey.

well Greer did say that Harold would choose Samaritan ..Samaritan needs his help!!!! ..but also that he would work for Samaritan of his own accord. - thats the part that intrigues, but also fits the rest of the prophecy.

imma prophecy this.. FINCH is gonna become one with Samaritan.. & Root'd [Machine Root… humour] will raise a new resistance a la John Connor.

its like Scooby-doo & feminism locked in a deathmatch..where there are no winners!!.

i think everybody just draws a line under american ultra, labelling it as complete garbage allround, so as the share the blame for its suckiness,

you are wrong, but thats nothing new for you, im guessing.

Please god, if you are out there… dont make me break-up with another boyfriend.

everything 'good' K-Stew has been in, are the small unassuming film roles [clouds, still alice, runaways, road, etc..]..where she does not have to carry a film.
- i come to think of it as ''her , non-performance role'' - she really shines better as an 'indie' darling.

streamers DONT exactly publish their numbers/metrics.. so either the math works ..or it wont work for very long. [my gut is to go with marriage of convenience.. 'save-a-show, get the PR..take a hit in the wallet', kinda marriage]

welcome to the new normal.


hon, …im not looking to debate the different idealogy between us, or opinions in general. if you are comfortable sleeping in a bra, so be it.

we are not talking XXX '' scenarios.. but just a more honest depiction, warts an all..of noises, moans, talking & hair pulling, that would be reflective of those characters. ..because honestly, who could relate to rolling off, on top, heaving breath & claiming it was the most incredible..when your not

yeah.. thats another 'unrealistic' romcom favourite..

no, …no they do not.

okay, well if we need to qualify the 'underwire is your friend' statement, perhaps older women, losing the fight against gravity, would …or perhaps the larger breasted among us, not wishing to point in two different direction whilst asleep, might ..but i can attest, the 'handfuls a plenty' crowd, generally DO NOT! -

if you wanna talk 'everyday realism'….i find the sex scenes more troublesome than empty coffee cups!!.. i mean, why are clothes/underwear always still on the person?..the logistics do not work with the science!!! …or why do tv women sleep with bras on!.. nobody does that!!.. [ahhhh..drives me mad thinking about it

the logic fails me.

i dont know how else to say it, ..but Jess is/was me ..when i get high!!