
Exactly. Teachers are already underpaid and now we want to use part of the budget for armed guards?

Nah, CHIP covers health services for lots of fetuses and they took their sweet time to fund it this year. They do not care about fetuses either.

Definitely! I am usually super understanding of white women to the point that I have been accused here of being some sort of non-white women hater (I am a Mexican immigrant BTW) BUT I do not trust the white women vote at all. I think that I am an advocate for treating each white woman as an individual and for not

Do you need to increase your time and distance? I started running maybe 2o years ago and I always ran 5K three times a week. Then this woman who is my husband’s friend started running marathons and I am a little competitive (I know who silly it is) and I decided I too could run marathons. I started running more and

I think it can’t hurt. Now, my experience is a little different. The people I know that do not vote does not know what issues they care about or do not care about any issues. The people I know that do not vote feel insulated from most political issues because they have good job with health insurance or/and are white

It isn’t so much the attention span. I think Americans have the average attention span. I think the problem is the existence of Fox News which gives the morons who want to believe in Trump a cover. In any other country people would see this and think: this is BAD even if they did not collude. Why did the Russians do

Imagine if this or the Stormy story had come out about Obama...Imagine the size of the scandal, imagine the reaction of horrible McConnell and Boehner, imagine...but it is Trump, the guy that as you said “abuses women, poor people, and people of color” so meh, right? Next week we will not even be talking about it

This can be said about several republicans.

I am fully prepared for Romney to be another Kelly who everyone thought was decent and rational and he’s just like all of them. At this point I trust nobody who still calls him/herself a republican.

mmmmmh “Doctors applied a basic framework for induced lactation, including increasing estradiol and progesterone hormones to mimic pregnancy and using a breast pump”

As a citizen you can sponsor your sibling who in turn can sponsor his unmarried son or daughter. Caveats:

That’s probably the case for Henry Cuellar. People in Texas are insane, even the Hispanics own guns here.

I really like this idea. I am actually putting it in my weekly postcard to my senators. Yeah, I am still doing that. I find it cathartic. I also call multiple times a week. What can I say I need to vent.


Maybe it is not about the wall, maybe we have to accept that if our priority is to help dreamers we may as well give him the fucking money.

I would change the word to responsible. they are not only complicit but responsible for the deaths.

Eye roll! I just got some troll asking me if I am for open borders. I dismissed him and I want to say that I am TIRED of people immediately accusing us of wanting open borders. Very few people want that.

But I do not see any evidence that says that full public funding of campaigns is the evident thing to do. I actually see some interesting options in that wikipedia article that are not full public funding.