
They were toying with that and my cousin whose brother has DACA shut it all down. They ended up not voting. Only grandpa voted and he voted for Hillary :D. I love grandpa :D

Stunts may seem cheap to us but they work in a large portion of the electorate. Look at how Donnie won the presidency and how he is keeping his base loyal. You and I may be informed and care about policy but most Americans only pay attention when there is scandal and stunts.

Yeah, my husband was about to receive a job offer from a government agency during the Ted Cruz shut down. He had other job offers that expired during the shut down so he had to take one of those. I am not complaining. My husband has a job and we are fine, but thousands of lives are disrupted during the shut down. I

DACA is popular but people do not vote based on that. People agree that those young men and women deserve to be here, people agree that universal healthcare is the way to go, people agree that the tax cut for the rich was bad, etc....and then the midterms come and people who vote vote republicans because democrats

But Alabama was not won because Doung Jones was an energizing force of the democratic base. Alabama was won because Roy Moore is a pedophile. So no lesson to be learned here really.

I live in Texas and I am a naturalized US citizen who was born in Mexico. Something nobody is taking into account is the awful Texan culture that turns second generation Hispanics in Texas into gun-totting, anti-immigration, white-wannabe, republican assholes:

The free market is a system for HUMANS to interact. If the free market does not take into account greed which is an inherent HUMAN trait then it is a flawed system. I am an economist.

I am the same and I went to therapy. The therapist did not seem to think my problem was my fear of addiction :). You may need therapy because of the scars that having addicted family members left you but I think it is ok to be a little fear of addiction is bad.

I also want to bring my mom here! I am so enraged at how they have come up with this chain migration term when the term used to be family reunification. I am so sad and disappointed that people just believe them when they say that all immigrants that come here legally through a family sponsor are damaging to the

And so far we ended up quitting in all cases.

No. Don’t ask her what that is. Ignore the MOFOs because she will be delighted to tell you some BS about gang members getting citizenship, a computer and a car automatically upon arriving to the border with drugs. DO NOT ASK HER WHAT anythings means. This is how the term chain migration is replacing family

I know people who voted for Trump because of the deficit. It is incredible the mental gymnastics they go through to justify the 1 trillion increase in the deficit that the tax cuts will bring. It just tells me that they are truly racists. I mean I always suspected that but this is just the proof.

What about “Ohhh I am a democrat! I am doing the country a favor by having kids”?

NOT maternity leave, job protection for 12 weeks only. The requirement does not require the business to pay any salary.

One doesn’t need to run a company to see what is wrong with a person and/or a manager. Sadly you seem to think that people who run companies are the only ones that count. I am a manager. I treat my team with respect and I care for them on a personal level too. I protect them professionally and understand their

Yeah I get it you are the kind of person that wants for fire a woman when she gets pregnant. You are the kind of person we (women of reproductive age should protect ourselves from). It is incredible how deplorable you are. Your mom got pregnant when she had you and if she had had a job you would have probably fired

You are being fooled I am sure of that. You would have a much better team if you were a marginally better person. Given the displays of rage and rudeness you show so easily I am quite sure nobody in your team really likes you but whatever you do you. I pity the poor souls that work for you.

with my now husband it took maybe 2 months

Thanks! That’s God’s work.