I didn’t realize that you guys actually thought of your little fractions of GMG as separate entities. None of your readers do, probably because of all the crosspost pollution.
I didn’t realize that you guys actually thought of your little fractions of GMG as separate entities. None of your readers do, probably because of all the crosspost pollution.
So lame.
What an absolute fucking cop out.
Imagine thinking that this poster was strictly referring to which specific vertical the blogs post to, and breezing over the rest of the criticisms. GMG verticals obviously posted plenty about the 2016 election, and the fact that they’re now on Splinter isn’t the crux of the argument here.
lolololol what the hell that was the most ridiculous possible response
This is disingenuous. Do not pretend as if the political content of splinter, deadspin, jezebel, gawker, etc are completely separate spheres. and do not pretend like the commentary is basically “everyone and everything is shit (particularly competing sites) and while we pretend to be no-bullshit truth tellers, people…
“Well, actually...”
I thought the most punk thing you could do was gatekeep who gets to be punk.
Beto ain’t my guy, but it’s ridiculous to call him center-right.
You showed him...
Can Splinter cut it out with the lame hit pieces please?
It would be a fucked up thing to do at the zoo directed towards the primate exhibit. To do things like that to a fellow human is grotesque.
But free education would bankrupt the country!
Precisely. Everyone is so wrapped up in the now that they forget wondering how W got into Yale as an underacheiving drug addict.
That’s the ‘right’ way to bribe your kid into college. Even the guy who did the scam with the celebrities admitted to it
And Al Capone was a victim of Prohibition. I agree with your underlying argument but these guys aren’t victims. They’re intergral parts of a corrupt system.
Go Bears!
There’s an old legal saw that if the facts are on your side, but the law is not, you emphasize the facts. And if the law is on your side, but the facts are not, you emphasize the law.