So basically, because I only have about $12 in my bank (I'm between paydays), I'm not going to be able to play the game I ALREADY PAID FOR until next week when I have enough to cover the authorization? What kind of nonsense is this!?
So basically, because I only have about $12 in my bank (I'm between paydays), I'm not going to be able to play the game I ALREADY PAID FOR until next week when I have enough to cover the authorization? What kind of nonsense is this!?
man... Francis is non-existent. "Francis", is a character who is played by one of the most wise, heartfelt, incredible person ive ever watched on youtube. lol i know that seems like a stretch from "Francis" but honestly, if you watch boogie2988's videos other than his francis ones, you will be astonished.
wow. This man and his other two "musketeers" are responsible for most of my childhood. I am 16 now and the first games i was addicted to was spiro, on the PS1. Man did this video bring back some nostalgia.