
After all, he may get more walls than he bargained for.

If you put “Rick Perry” reading glasses on, your IQ immediately drops 15 points.

Ironically, many if not most of the patients who would be stripped of their health care under Trumpcare are Trump supporters. For some reason they still support him. I can’t explain to myself or to you, to what extent can one use bigotry, racism, misogyny etc. and still convince people to vote against their interest.

So then Overwatch could sue Lonzo Ball?

Speaking of Trump, Jr., this fellow sure seems to enjoy visiting Moscow.

Every state sharing a border with Alabama is home to at least one privately operated prison.

Cruz wants to pass this bill but it hasn’t insulted his family enough yet.

I like the idea of Warriors sending Matt Barnes to the White House and nobody else.

Ever since he touched the orb his arms been getting longer

Does anybody know Trump’s latest approval ratings? I was going to look for them but I can’t find my microscope.

Jared Kushner has gone missing and therefore can’t be interviewed by the FBI, confirms his lawyer, Jerad Keshnur

If you golf enough the terrorists eventually surrender.

Politics don’t matter, but we can all agree our nation faces tough challenges, and we need god’s help. I ask you to pray that the leaders of our nation and our states have wisdom in all their decisions. — Rick Scott

Well, Betsy is busy curating her collection of children’s tears and Ben Carson accidentally trapped himself in a street mime’s invisible box. Here is Trump mistakenly addressing Bannon’s “exoskeleton” for 10 minutes.

On the same weekend as record-breaking arms deal, Saudis announced donations to Ivanka’s fund. Yeah, buddy.

Now playing

I was listening to some old skool femcees. Good times. Today we have Remy Ma... what the hell happened?

That photo is an all-time “What if Obama”

no shit

If it weren’t so fucking horrifying, this shit would be hilarious..