Unnecessary Administration


I want to show this to everyone that bitches about “they don’t make ‘em like they used to!” and be like, now do this, but in a ‘75 Nova.

Crumples zones + improvements in metallurgy + airbags = people survive this.

Please show this to the guys that insist that big steel cars from the 60-70s are safer than cars today.


Yeah, we might have bigger and bigger A-pillar blindspots but the trade-off is that we can now survive re-entry from Low Earth Orbit.

“Prior to launching from the berm, the driver in question was involved in a hit-and-run accident. She appeared to be driving significantly faster than the 25 mph zone allowed for, and she’d been driving backwards on Highway 99, exiting an on-ramp.”

Eh, what ?

Women doing that often make the driver’s reaction worse.  You start looking around to see WTF else is going on and is more unnerving than the situation itself.  That was one of my dad’s pet peeves about driving anywhere with my mom.  She was always doing that or loudly sucking in her breath which scared the shit out

Theft involves depriving a victim of property.  This would not be theft.

By mirroring and hosting the video themselves.

That’s the sort of thing that AI driving could never account for.

Pictures of me naked?

no i can’t because as you pointed out i have to go to youtube and not watch it embedded in the article as it was intended by the author

yes i can but that would lead me off-page and i can’t watch the video “below”

who says something about changing the settings on youtube? how about removing the pointless embed and replace it with a link to the video?

me any time i need to get to a new mission at Trevor’s in GTA V

If you watch closely, she actually clips the lowest powerline. Good thing she wasn’t driving a Camry, which obviously would have been grounded.

which you can watch below

For those confused as to how this statement makes sense, allow me to translate:

Indifferent to the price $75,000, does not want to spend more than $10,000. You can’t afford the $75,000 in the first place.

The requirements for this use case don't seem reasonable. And oh, driving to go see the 'rents isn't "commuting."