There is some fucking awesome vegan cheese out there at the moment. ...just sayin’
There is some fucking awesome vegan cheese out there at the moment. ...just sayin’
This is not vegan drama, this is YouTube attention seeker drama. This has almost zero to do with being vegan any more than other YouTube drama has with being a meat eater.
Didn’t take long for the “All vegans are annoying, pushy, self righteous jerks” crowd to show up in the comments. For what it’s worth, no, all vegans are not those things. I’ve met a small handful who were and I’ve met PLENTY of vegans. Now omnivores who can’t stop themselves making snide comments when they discover…
I’m totally with you on this. I eat a healthy vegan diet (ie., not 50 bananas or whatever nonsense this chick is claiming to subsist on). I don’t hide my diet, but I don’t live to talk about it, either. These people need to put the selfie stick down and get a real life.
Right? Which is why when I tell someone that I’m vegan I like to helpfully point out that while I am vegan, I’m not an asshole vegan. This shit just makes me want to crawl into a hole.
Ugh why do my fellow vegans have to be so embarrassing. It's like for every single cool vegan, like Prince, there are a thousand militant assholes.