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I am a long time (10+ years) reader and first time commenter.

Don’t you dare!  I have a few of those minifigs and they are adorable.

Jesus fucking christ, Harron. Can you take 5 seconds to actually look up what you’re writing about beforehand?

The Rob Reiner thing immediately marks you as a complete ignorant.

THIS is why nobody takes young progressives seriously, by the way. None of you actually know anything, and you take every opportunity to parade

My big takeaway from this is that there’s a town called Rifle that could end up being represented by a wackjob gun nut, which sounds about white.

you’ll see all the disappointing humans there.

Yeah, you’d think lawyers and dentists would be smarter than that

I’d watched the first clip but not yet scrolled down the page and was already thinking about posting a comment about how if Die Hard were ever remade we’ve found the perfect Ellis.

The Ultimate Guilfoyle totally deserved better entrance music.

I disagree. Trump is rarely humiliated because his narcissism and entourage keeps him in an insulated bubble. We perceive it as a humuliation, but he doesn’t.

I really really don’t want a piece of Kanye, or the Kardashian/Jenners. Sorry but we’ve all got our own real life shit to get through. I guarantee that you could ask any person in this country and they could tell you that their spouse/parent/sibling/child/friend/coworker/neighbor/etc suffers from a mental illness or

Stop giving this very unintelligent person attention. He’s aggressively stupid. He’s a racist. He serves a racist master in Trump. He has a massive ego with no self awareness whatsoever and making a few catchy songs does not warrant his belief that he’s a genius. He doesn’t read. He doesn’t think. He’s a prime example

You should never use the term “spirit animal”. Not because of cultural appropriation but because it’s a basic-ass term used by basic-ass white women.

Naw fuck Rush Limbaugh. 

Every sane non-racist person calls out Trump and his followers incessantly. In the same way that we talk about Black Lives Matter and people come in with that “what about black on black crime” bullshit we can’t engage in the same whataboutism when people in our community mess up. Particularly when we’re trying to push

Remember, all us old farts responding here lived through the “good old days.” I’ll wager there isn’t a single reply from anyone ejected into oncoming traffic/trees, impaled by the steering wheel/random sheet metal, or rolled over by the car your made a dozen rotations in.

Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I’ve been out of journalism for a few years, but the nature of this reporting is so unbelievably biased.