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See and this is where it’s wild to me because I’ve had some Warren supporters be absolute ASSHOLES to me and insinuate that I’m wrestling with internalized misogyny - okay wait a minute not some, but damn near all. I see it all over Facebook, all over Twitter, and yet I would happily welcome Warren folks into the

Congratulations to Sanders and well done to all the candidates. Let’s destroy Shitler and save America from the forces of darkness in 2020.

But equally obvious is the clear disparity between the institutionalisation and sheer gross magnitude, between toxic masculinity and toxic femininity.

Fuuuuuuck this prattle. Can anyone afford 1 goddamn house? So now you’re espousing 2-master bedrooms or at least 2 bedrooms for the parents and how many for the kids? Hey folks, think nothing of a 5-bedroom house and next, if separate bedrooms there better goddamn be separate baths.

I’m really annoyed by this new trend of “Couples Who Live Apart Are Happier!”

This is another one of those times where the seemingly-required snark of Jezebel just becomes confusing and off-putting.

Obviously not written by a cat lover. Blessed be lil bub, you did good! 

“He’s NOT getting my vote. Period.”

Yes, I did go too far here, I’ll admit that.

When it comes to Pete Davidson, I’m going to say the same thing I said when Jezbel wrote a MILLION articles about Lena Dunham. STOP, PLEASE FUCKING STOP! You make these douchebags famous and then they never, ever go away!

Once I saw the placement of the Mac and Heart I stopped reading it.

Isn’t he too short to be a Universe Warrior?

Thanks for your incredibly hot take there sport.  


The riff on the photos at the end makes all forgiven.

I’m cynical enough that I don’t think anything is actually going to come of this, but I sure am enjoying Trump’s anxiety.

Maybe someday there will be psychiatric and medical resources available to gorgeous movie stars with unlimited financial resources.

The Invasion angle didn't work with him, either.

lol *barf* N. Korea levels of choreographed political LOLness and too many (more than 1 is too many) idiot Americans eat it all up.

“FUCK TRUMP” should be the chant at every event, internationally.