Shop S-Mart

Unfortunately, this will play well to his base, who think of him as some kind of tough guy, even though this is the blatantly compensatory behavior of the kid picked last.

Jane Seymour in that role is almost unreal how beautiful she is.

Now playing

A pale replication of The Pink Panther fight scene 3 years earlier.. :)

You forgot Solitaire.

What doesn’t get a pass is the damn stupid theme song.

Eddie Vedder you better fucking live to two-hundred and three. All of them gone, except you.

The shop installed your new 1776 without all of the sheet metal required for the cooling system? That is disappointing. :-(

How many more times is that shit going to show up?

Air bags are for Lowriders. I’m telling you lowriding isn’t what you think it is!

It’s always Obama or Clinton did this and Obama, Clinton did that, until Trump gets caught doing it or doing something way worse and then it’s “Hey, they did it too so what’s the big deal? Country of fucking bigoted, racist hypocrites.

I WILL NOT STAND for the door man at Dorsia to think I’m some kind of poseur by getting out of a car with such a banal power plant as a V-8.

I don’t think you could’ve taken a more “New Hampshire” car photo if you tried. The Market Basket just seals it.

*does his best mr. regular impression* This is my real car.... this is my toy car

So I was driving my olive green 1968 Plymouth Belvedere back in 1996 or so with a buddy of mine. We had stopped at a corner gas station to fill up (of course) as that 383 was a thirsty beast. As I was turning right, out of the station, I gave it a little oomph and promptly spun the tires while going through the

“Heres a 60 year old Hungarian car that has a 4x4 system where a 1 cylinder 2-stroke engine and a V8 each power diagonally opposed wheels. The roof only covers one passenger, and it’s steered using your ears.”

We choose to engulf your nation in a war due to ‘principles’ and national bravado. Yes, you are correct that you did not start it and yes, our beef is with your neighbor, not you, but we promise to send ‘thoughts and prayers’ for your dead civilians. We’ll make sure the other guy gets the blame when it’s done.

But Trump would go to war just to try to prove he doesn’t have a small dick. Kind of overcompensates.
