
Before retirement, I was a boss. There’s no reason to act like a jerk. Have high standards, hire good people, communicate clearly and treat your staff with respect and your department will run well. Being an asshole only creates unnecessary problems.

I detect the input of his ophidian minion, Stephen Miller. Stories of racially-motivated genocide are probably Miller’s porn.

I had a nightmare about that last week. Good God.

I don’t expect others to conform to my views, or even to be perfect—”All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God”—but I do hope that religious leaders/institutions would hold themselves to certain standards of behavior. Financial exploitation of congregants, gross self-enrichment by pastors (remember what

Especially in the U.S. I know a lot of Catholics, and pretty much every one of them uses birth control, is fine with LGBTQ people and can see why abortion needs to remain legal, even if they personally might seek other options. Many of them are seriously struggling right now, because they find comfort and inspiration

Also no hair-braiding or mixed fiber clothing. Those are evil!

Not to be rude, but what is the LQBTQ “lifestyle?” The one where I met my wife 29 years ago, have been with her as a committed couple for 28, adopted a horribly abused child, raised her to happy, healthy adulthood, married in my family church (where we’re active members of the congregation) as soon as it became legal

My wife and I got married at our Presbyterian church (incidentally, the same church my great-grandparents were instrumental in founding), which confirmed their support of the LGBTQ community years ago, is fully accepting of same-sex marriages and has a number of gay, lesbian and bi pastors.

Creative=do you think all these lies just invent themselves?

She scared herself saying something that was actually true for a change, and had to correct.

I was in college in exactly the same time period. Maybe people were more racially insensitive in those days, but not to the point that they thought blackface was okay at Halloween, during a dance contest, or at any other time.

Very well put. I worked as a patient coordinator at a medical center in Seattle, in the department that specifically dealt with the circumstances of such so-called “late-term abortions.” Shamefully, the Right has twisted the truth of what really happens to fit their repressive agenda. I worked with dozens of parents

We do know the GOP cares passionately about two groups of children: fetuses and MAGA-hat-wearing straight white teen boys.

I suspect you’re right. Walls work well to keep out animals, like the deer that like to pillage my vegetable garden. Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a President who understood that having brown skin and fleeing a dangerous homeland doesn’t make someone either a bad person or an animal? Or that people who need to apply

My daughter and I go to a Presbyterian church. It’s not perfect, but men and women are equal, we have actual gay weddings and the emphasis is social justice and helping others. The youth group builds houses and works at food banks. We have fellowship rather than a spy network of people waiting to catch one another in

Thank you. I had the same upbringing and decades later still have scars. There should be some kind of national ex-Evangelical support group to help us work through all the awfulness.

Average Anna sounds pretty much like me at age 27. I continue to like and respect my former partners, and usually our break-ups involved something like moving elsewhere for work when the other wanted to stay put. My partners also helped me work of the craziness of growing up among Evangelicals and having their crazy,

Inslee is a decent guy, and having him as my governor is one of the few things that keeps me from full-on sinking into a Dolt45-induced Swamp of Despair like the horse in The Neverending Story. That being said, I’m not sure he’s a familiar enough face to those outside my little corner of the world.

Hear, hear! I’m tired of the old people=bad stereotype. I’m 57, and I’ve been in the trenches, fighting for education, representation, civil rights, you name it, for most of my life. I’m no more ignorant and complacent now than I was at 17, but I am tired of being rejected as an ally simply because of my age. 

Actually, I’ve lived in Norway, land of my grandparents, which is quite similar in terms of protecting its citizens and the environment. The tax rate is high, but people in general are a lot happier and less stressed about about life in general. The big difference between here and the Nordic countries is that far